企业文化在企业经营中常常扮演重要的角色,有时甚至成为企业发展或者消亡的主要因素。而在计算机这个特殊的行业表现尤为突出。 企业文化来源于企业创立者的经营哲学。无论企业创立之初是多么朦胧和不确定,企业的经营者们通常将此经营哲学称之为企业理念。这种理念将对企业的员工产生强
Corporate culture often plays an important role in business operations, sometimes even becoming a major factor in the development or demise of a business. In the special performance of the computer industry is particularly prominent. Corporate culture comes from the business founder’s business philosophy. No matter how vague and uncertain the beginning of a business, business executives often call this business philosophy a corporate philosophy. This concept will be strong on the staff of the enterprise