关于朱自清的叙事散文《背影》的线索,众说纷纭:有的认为是以“时间先后”为线索:有的认为是以“我的行踪”为线索;更多的却认为是以“背影”时隐时现贯穿全文为线索。 笔者在教学中发现“背影”一词曾四次在文中出现,每次听包含的内涵都有所不同。表现父子之情的高潮则在第二次和第三次:父亲为远去的儿子买橘子,“蹒跚地走到铁道边,慢慢探身下去,尚不大难。可是他穿过铁道。要爬上那边月台,就不容易了。他用两手攀着上面,两脚再向上缩;他肥胖的身子向左微倾,显出努力
The clues about Zhu Ziqing’s narrative “back view” are different: Some think that it is a clue of “sequential time”; some think that “my whereabouts” is the clue; more are thought to be “back view” At this time, the full text is a clue. In the teaching, the author found that the word “back view” appeared four times in the text, and the connotation of each hearing contained was different. The climax of the performance of the father and son was in the second and third time: The father bought oranges for his son who was gone. “He walked to the edge of the railway and slowly leaned forward. It was not difficult. But he crossed the railway. It was not easy to climb up on the platform, he climbed up with both hands, and his feet shrank again;he fat body leaned to the left, showing his efforts