说明:因本文内容涉及企业商业秘密,应企业要求,隐去与企业有经贸关系的外商名称。中国企业,特别是民营企业依据 ISO(国际标准化组织)制定的 ISO9000(质量论证体系)、ISO14000(环境论证体系)进行贯标,历史本来就不长,懵懵懂懂之中,又一个新的标准——SA8000(企业社会责任标准)飘然而至。甚至,有时令没有思想准备的中国企业所有者手忙脚
Description: Because of the content of this article involves business secrets, at the request of the enterprise, the name of foreign investors that have economic and trade relations with enterprises are hidden. Chinese enterprises, especially private-owned enterprises, follow the standards of ISO9000 (Quality Assurance System) and ISO14000 (Environmental Proof System) established by ISO (International Organization for Standardization), and the history has never been long and the new standard --SA8000 (Corporate Social Responsibility Standards) Floating to the sky. Even sometimes, Chinese business owners who are unprepared get their hands on