当22岁的鲁道夫·沃利策(Rudolf Wurlitzer,1831—1914)于1853年抵达美国时,他身无分文,也无朋友,只会说几旬简单的英文;但他下决心要省下在新国土上赚的每一个铜板,留作将来自办企业时用。当时,这位身材矮小、一头棕色头发的德国人并不知道自己究竟想办什么企业,然而,他的决心可不小。沃利策不久就在辛辛那提市的一家棉布店找到了工作,当搬运工,一周4美元。尽管收入很低,他还是做到了一周省下1美元,因为他晚上睡在仓库的打包箱里,可以不付
When 22-year-old Rudolf Wurlitzer (1831-1914) arrived in the United States in 1853, he was penniless and friendless, only speaking a few simple English; but he was determined to save Every copper plate made in the new country will be used for future business purposes. At that time, the short, dark-haired German did not know exactly what he wanted to do, however, his determination was not small. Fort Worth soon found a job at a cotton cloth store in Cincinnati as a porter for $ 4 a week. Despite his low income, he managed to save $ 1 a week because he slept in the storage box at night and could not pay