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  My nationality is not Han, but Kazakh. So, the first language I acquired was my mother tongue Kazakh. It was enough to express my feelings and needs before I was three years old. But when it came to the time for me to go to the kindergarten, the inability to speak Mandarin prevented me from the admission to the nearest kindergarten. It took all my father’s limited social resources to get me admitted by the kindergarten. After that he went far away from home in pursuit of his master’s degree. When he came back, I graduated from the kindergarten and, dramatically, I could barely speak Kazakh. Thus my father selected a Kazakh-speaking primary school for me . That school was located at my mother’s hometown which was far away from my home. I finished the first grade in my grandma’s house. During that year, I not only enhanced my Kazakh speaking skill, but also learned how to read and write in Kazakh. Then my parents thought those skills were enough for me, and it was time for me to learn Mandarin. The reason was very simple, Kazakh-speaking schools could not provide me with the best education resources in China.
  When I was seven, I came back home and started my “second” first grade in a Mandarin-speaking schoo till now. At first, the two languages are just “languages” for me. But as I grow up, the culture that each of them carries exerts great influence on me. Kazakh culture is a typical nomadic culture, while Han culture is a typical farming one. In Kazakh culture, anywhere beyond the sky is home, which makes a man’s mind as broad as the endless grassland; as for food, meat and flour are the best, for they give a man strength; so being strong is the quickest way to gain others’ respect. In Han culture, thousands of years of settling down let people develop a society so complicated that it demands people to be more careful and thoughtful; unlike the nomadic culture, vegetable and rice are more acceptable, for they serve a better balance of nutrition; and the Han people always believe that knowledge should be the pursuit of one’s life. These two cultures are so different that they sometimes are conflicting. But only seeing their conflict is superficial. One of the most important benefits the differences can offer is that they can always provide me with two different points of view. For example, left eyelid twitches indicate fortune and right eyelid twitches indicate misfortune in Han culture, but in Kazakh culture, the indications are totally opposite. So whenever and whichever my eyelid twitches, I can always tell myself it’s fortune there.   It was at my age of eight that I had my first contact with English. The idea was also my father’s as the world’s best education resources are always in English. It was difficult for other students to learn a completely unfamiliar language, but as a bilingual, learning English seemed not very hard for me. Then I began my exploration to the western culture. Unlike Kazakh culture and Han culture, western culture is more open. For example, it provides me with a new perspective towards sex in the sense that sex is not a filthy thing, it is human nature and we should not hide the existence of it from children. More and more sexual harassment is happening on children due to the lack of sex education, so I think it is time for us to be “more open” right now. Critical thinking is also what I learn from western culture, it makes me become more individual. Kazakh, Mandarin and English are three languages that I have learnt so far. By learning these languages, I have built connections between three cultures that seem to be completely different from each other and developed my own unique personality. Not only do I enjoy swallowing big slices of meat, but also I think vegetable could be very tasteful; not only can I be as strong as a Kazakh worrier, but also I can be as thoughtful as a Chinese calligrapher; not only can I be respectful to the knowledge that my ancestors handed down, but also I can be brave to challenge it if it is not the truth and so on.
  As a trilingual, my pace does not tend to stop. I am learning Japanese and German these days. With the help of Chinese characters, Japanese writing is not hard for me, and the syntactical structures of Japanese sentences are very similar with that of Kazakh sentences. English and German share same letters and pronunciations of Kazakh characters that can help pronounce many German characters. So for me, they are not very difficult to learn. I always consider myself as a child of the world because my horizon has been broadened all the time by different cultures. If you want to see more of the world, I suggest you -- go to learn one more language and then you will find that you couldn’t stop your pace.
1. The Importance of Mutual Love and Respect  At the beginning of the novel, Jane Austen referred Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to u
【摘要】在综合实践活动中,研学旅行是为青少年学生开展校外教育的新尝试,其有效地补充了学校教育,促使学校教育与校外教育实现创新衔接,增强了学校与社会、课程及生活间的联系,提高了学生的核心素养,加强了人才培养模式创新,为学生提供了有效的平台以更好地适应社会。本文论述了英语研学旅行对中职学生的教育价值与实施路径,希望对相关领域研究有帮助。  【关键词】英语研学旅行;中职教育;路径  【作者简介】王艳芳(
【摘要】随着教育教学工作迈向高质量发展的新征程,应着力提升高职高专院校的育人水平,让学生在掌握专业技能、具备职业素养的同时,使英语教学更具实效性、时代性与创新性,从而基于市场需求导向,增强职业院校学生的跨文化沟通能力,为他们未来的工作、发展筑牢基础。特别是在知识经济时代,应发挥“互联网 ”对教育工作的助力作用,促进英语教改的纵深推进,使学生形成英语核心素养。  【關键词】“互联网 ”时代;高职高专
【摘要】軍事英语文献由于专业性较强,翻译难度较大,对翻译工作者有着较高的要求。本文根据教学与翻译实践,通过分析军事英语文献翻译的四个重要环节,结合例证探讨了各环节应该注意的问题。  【关键词】军事英语文献;翻译;原文;译文  【作者简介】程瑾,湖北省武汉市火箭军指挥学院。  翻译是一种跨越时空的语言活动,是“把一种语言已经表达出来的东西用另一种语言准确而完整地重新表达出来”。这一过程不仅需要译者精
【摘要】农村初中受学习环境、师资力量等限制,所以“学困生”人数多。解决“学困生”问题,成了教师最头疼的问题。“学困生”面临学习时,存在学习上的困难,所以导致班级排名不高。想要改良“学困生”,教师就要改变看法、因材施教,引导学生端正学习态度,从而提高教学质量。  【关键词】农村;高中英语;转化策略  【作者简介】仇红瑞,甘肃省白银市靖远县东升中学。  学困生指的是,智力正常,但是因为某种因素无法达到
【摘要】高中英语知识错综复杂,导致学生的学习难度大大增加,同时由于高中英语教学面临高考的压力,大多数英语老师在教学中更侧重对语法、句型的讲解,忽略了对学生综合素养的培养,不利于学生英语学习水平的提升。本文针对教育信息化对优化高中英语教学的重要作用以及当前高中英语教学现状进行了分析,并对高中英语教学中信息化技术的运用提出了几点有效策略,以便促进高中英语教学质量的提升。  【关键词】信息化;英语;教學
【摘要】教科书是教师和学生分享课堂教学活动的有效工具。基于新课程标准的小学英语教科书要求教师改变传统的教学思路,生搬硬套对教科书的使用。在使用教科书的过程中,教师可以在充分了解教科书组织结构的基础上合理地优化对教科书的使用。同时,帮助学生做好充分学习的准备,加强课堂监控和后续教学活动的管理和设计。  【关键词】小学英语;教材;科学使用  【作者简介】马静,新疆石河子第二小学。  近年来,我国中小学
【摘要】中职英语教学作为现代教育体系中的重要组成部分,对于中职学生的发展发挥着关键作用。然而,现阶段的中职英语教学由于存在着教师教学方式落后、学生学习态度不端正、教师教学能力有待提升等诸多问题,导致中职英语教学质量无法得到有效提升。基于此,本文主要对中职英语教学中存在的问题进行深入探究,进而提出有针对性的解决对策,以期能够为促进中职英语教学质量提升提供帮助。  【关键词】中职英语教学;存在问题;对
【摘要】阅读教学是初中英语教学的重头戏,英语教师在教学中要灵活运用阅读教学来开展英语核心素养教育。阅读并不是简单地死读书,而是要对每一个单词、语句进行分析,这一过程可以锻炼学生的英语思维;不同的阅读材料具有不同的主题,这可以开拓学生的阅读视野,领略不同的语言文化;由于英汉语言习惯的差异,阅读可以为学生呈现地道的英语口语交际,有效提升学生的语言交际能力。  【关键词】初中英语;核心素养;阅读教学