【摘 要】
The tower control room of Shenyang Operation Center of Northeast Air Traffic Control Administration shoulders the task of air traffic control in the control tower, ground and approach area of Taoxian Airport in Shenyang. The existing control staff is 24, with an average age of 30 years. It is such a young controller team, but created a 145 consecutive months without errors, the successful disposal of the near
The ancient saying goes: “P
珠三角北移,京津冀扩容,长三角膨胀……高铁引领中国基础设施提升至3.0时代。三大经济圈将进入服务经济时代,服务业中心与其腹地的空间关系由此发生质变,中国经济版图加速融合。不仅于此,预计到2020年,中国200公里及以上时速的高速铁路建设里程将超过1.8万公里。占世界高速铁路总里程的一半以上。 高铁时代,使得中国城市之间的同城效应得到体现,铁路沿线将形成走廊产业经济带,有助于扩大地区间的分工。中国
高速铁路是一种营运速度较普通铁路更快的铁路运输方式。目前全世界运营中的高铁总里程已达上万千米。高铁以其舒适方便、能源消耗低、运输效率高的优势,成为当今世界铁路发展的趋势。 1.日本新干线 日本于1964年建成了世界上第一条实际运营的高速铁路——东海道新干线。它从东京至大阪,全长515.4千米,开通时列车运行时速达210千米,随后运行速度不断提升,并曾创造443千米/小时的测试纪录。除
A non-stretchable fiber rotation in planar flows has been solved. The fiber will rotate periodically or run to the asymptotical direction decided by a discrimin
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We briefly discuss the phenomenological theory of dissipative fluid.We also present some numerical results for hydrodynamic evolution of QGP fluid with dissipat
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Numerical exercises are presented on the thermally induced motion of internally heated beams under various heat transfer and structural boundary conditions. The