Study on Chinese enterprises’internationalization mode and strategy

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liweibo2555
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With the trend of world economic globalization, the enterprises must be influenced by the economic globalization. At the same time, Chinese economy has developed fast and entered WTO. There are opportunities as well as challenges for Chinese enterprises; internationalization is the trend for Chinese enterprises to get more chances to develop. How Chinese enterprises take the multinational operation is a hot topic for both Chinese enterprise sector and academe sector, as well as for the government and all the Chinese people. This paper firstly reviews the multinational operation theories and thoughts of scholars from home and abroad, and describes the necessity for Chinese enterprises to take internation- alization road. Combined with the status quo and characteristics of Chinese enterprises’ internationalization, it con- cludes four modes available for Chinese enterprises: low-cost expansion, mergers and acquisitions, OBM and OEM, and analyzes four modes. Finally, it proposes some suggestions and countermeasures from the aspects of enterprises and government according to the problems in the process of Chinese enterprises’ internationalization. With the trend of world economic globalization, the enterprises must be influenced by the economic globalization. At the same time, Chinese economy has developed fast and entered WTO. There are opportunities as well as challenges for Chinese enterprises; internationalization is the trend for Chinese enterprises Chinese version of the Chinese national sector sector and academe sector, Scholars from home and abroad, and describes the necessarily for Chinese enterprises to take internation- alization road. Combined with the status quo and characteristics of Chinese enterprises’ internationalization, it con- cludes four modes available for Chinese enterprises: low-cost expansion, mergers And acquisitions, OBM and OEM, and analyzes four modes. Finally, it proposes some su. Ggestions and countermeasures from the aspects of enterprises and government according to the problems in the process of Chinese enterprises’ internationalization.
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