The Specific Application Process of Blended Teaching Model based on Up-star Learning Master APP

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  【Abstract】Up-star learning master APP is a professional mobile online teaching platform for mobile terminals, which has been applied in this paperto analyze the specific application process of blended teaching model.
  【Key words】Up-star learning master APP; blended teaching model; specific application process
  【作者簡介】Teng Limei(1984-), female, from Rizhao, Shandong Province, Shandong Vocational and Technical University of International Studies, master, main research direction is English translation theory and practice; He Na(1992-), female, from Qinghuang Dao, Hebei province, Shandong Vocational and Technical University of International Studies, master, main research direction is translation theory and practice.
  In recent years, the development of mobile Internet and high technology has grown by leaps and bounds, which has significantly changed the learning and lifestyle of contemporary college students, thus has been used to apply blended teaching model as follows.

1. Specific application process

  1.1Before the class
  Students use the learning resources to learn by themselves. Before the start of each project, the teacher sends a notice through the Up-star learning master APP platform, asking the students to read the notice to complete the corresponding task. Teachers upload their relevant teaching materials such as PPT courseware, cases, videos, etc. to the learning resource library or set up task points in the course portal. Students prepare for self-study before class according to their own time and progress. To ensure the effectiveness of the course, the teacher plays the monitoring role of the Up-star learning master APP. Besides, teachers can detect learning status. For example, during a reading of the learning materials, the teacher interspersed with questions to answer. After the reading is completed, the teacher performs a small test. The platform sets anti-drag, anti-jump, etc. for audio, video and other data. After that, the platform sends the learning results to the teacher. Teachers can see the mastery of the knowledge points according to the statistical situation, to effectively adjust the teaching interaction in the class.
  1.2 In the class
  Teachers use the blended teaching model to check in and monitor attendance. By using the Up-star learning master APP for online teaching, teachers can initiate check-ins through normal, gesture, location or QR code to check attendance. This saves time and improves efficiency compared to previous sign-in methods. Through the statistics of the number of people who have not reached the number, the platform is convenient for teachers to carry out teaching management, and also increases the participation and interaction of students. In classroom teaching, students carry the smart-phone or laptop. Teachers can use the selection, answering, voting, group tasks, topic discussion, and other functions in the learning master APP event to interact with students in real time and present them directly on the multimedia screen, which solves the problem that some students are unwilling to answer or are afraid to answer in front of the class.   1.3 After class
  Diversified learning evaluations, and personalized guidance were conducted. After class, teachers can design interesting questions or materials related to business English translation practice for students to think or read. At the same time, the teacher can properly comment on the student’s answer. Students can also ask questions about the words, sentences, and texts in the materials, and establish a group to discuss and share insights. This kind of inquiry-based learning method helps learners to passively accept the transition to autonomous learning, and assist students to gain experience and internalization perspectives in the learning process.

2. Conclusion

  Compared with traditional classrooms, students learn better. In the course of teaching practice in the “business English translation practice” classroom, the overall situation of the online learning platform for the Up-star learning master APP is good. The online resource utilization rate of students is high, and the functional modules of the learning pass can meet the learning requirements of students, and the multiple comprehensive evaluation methods are recognized by the students.


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【摘要】为了有效促进英语翻译课堂教学效益的增长,新课改形势下的全国高校不断在教育改革进程中推陈出新,“互联网 英语翻译教学”的教育模式应运而生。本文将就当前网络环境下高校英语翻译教学的现状展开讨论,通过对其潜在弊端的深入分析,从而为强化高校英语翻译教学提供一些可行之策及参考意见。  【关键词】网络环境;高校英语;翻译教学;模式研究  【作者简介】黄静(1984.03-),女,汉族,南阳理工学院,讲
【摘要】我国加入世界贸易组织之后,对于国际型人才的需求量就越来越大,人才的词汇掌握能力是最基础的,这能够为之后的学习奠定很深的基础。然而,在英语词汇的教学中,还存在着一定的问题,这些问题对于整个词汇教学过程而言,都有着很大的不良影响,因此,必须将这些问题进行改善,促进学生英语词汇学习效率的不断增强。本文就对英语词汇教学中存在的问题进行分析,并提出一些解决的对策,供参考。  【关键词】英语词汇教学;
【摘要】英语的核心素养,是让学生学会英语的运用、思考、拓展了解、学习。读写实践是英语学习的学习方法之一,在运用于英语核心素养的培养上,需要教师善于引导学生,并在教学过程中,注重学生自主学习能力的提高,高中生具备学习的外在辅助条件,又能丢掉拐杖进行自主学习。  【关键词】英语;核心素养;引导;自主学习  【作者简介】周秀燕,浙江省诸暨市学勉中学。引言  高中生具备一定的英语基础,也具备一定的英语学习
【摘要】医学英语是我国高等医学院校教育的重要部分,由于受到种种因素的制约,我国高等医学院校的医学英语教学水平有限,未得到学校及教师的足够重视。目前尚无全国统一的大学医学英语课程教学要求,本文分析了我国医学英语教学现状,探讨了医学院校医学英语教学改革的对策。  【关键词】医学英语;教学改革  【作者简介】张洁,南京医科大学外国语学院。  随着我国改革开放的深入发展,我国与国际间在科学,经济等领域的交
【摘要】本文分析了词汇教学在英语教学中的重要性,探讨了词汇教学中存在的问题,并根据自己的亲身经历和研究,介绍了多元化的词汇教学、英语词汇构词法等几种词汇教学方法,阐述了如何帮助学生学好词汇。  【关键词】小学英语;词汇教学法;词汇量  【作者简介】陈燕(1986.02-),女,汉族,信宜市第五小学,大学本科,2009年7月大学专科毕业于阳江职业技术学院英语教育专业;2016年大学本科毕业于岭南师范
【摘要】审辨思维是现代教学核心素养的重要组成部分,培养学生的审辨思维能够让他们掌握正确的学习方法,养成良好的学习态度,促进学困生的学习成绩进步。  【关键词】审辨式思维;促进学困生;审辩式阅读  【作者简介】黄文,福建浦城二中。  “审辨思维”(critical thinking)被认为是当今社会的一项至关重要的技能,同时又是英语学科核心素养的重要组成部分。  罗伯特·科根(Robert Coge
【摘要】为了增强小学英语课堂教学的效果,提高学生学习英语阅读的兴趣,教师便可以将英语绘本运用到课堂教学活动中。但如何有效将英语绘本与教材相融合,是当前众多教师都在思考的问题。因此,本文主要就当前英语绘本在小学英语教学中的运用进行探究,望可以有效地提升小学英语课堂教学的效率。  【关键词】英语绘本;小学英语;教学;运用  【作者简介】焦莹,江苏省徐州市邳州市官湖中心小学。  前言  图画是吸引小学生
【摘要】为了避免在期末复习课时出现老师大量发试卷,学生埋头苦做且复习效果不佳的状况,我对期末复习课进行了新的尝试。我通过课前的问卷调查确定了复习课的内容,又采用提前布置任务的方式促进小组自主复习,实现了同伴互教。我在课堂上关注每个学生的参与,并且创设了能激发学生兴趣的真实情境,为学生的自然表达创造条件,最终达成了本节复习课的所有学习目标。  【关键词】关注个体;同伴互教;真实情境  【作者简介】王
【摘要】最近几年在外语教学过程中最受欢迎的一种教学方式就是产出导向法,它可以被运用到外语学习的所有过程,注重学用结合以及产出导向,特别适合运用在商务英语写作教学模式当中。基于此,本文就将重点对其模式进行探讨,以供参考。  【关键词】产出导向法;商务英语教学;教学模式  【作者简介】张晓敏(1990.12-),女,宁夏银川人,宁夏大学新华学院,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向:外语教师教育。  引言  在
一、引言  话语分析(discourse analysis,也作篇章分析)是研究语言的一种方法。以大于句子的语言单位为研究对象,通过对实际使用中的语言的观察,探索语言的组织特征和使用特征,并从语言的交际功能和语言的使用者的认知特征方面来解释语言中的制约因素。研究的课题如:篇章结构、信息结构、篇章连贯等。学习如何进行话语分析的前提和关键是了解一些核心术语的概念,本文主要探讨和辨析context和co