On Stimulating English Learning Motivation of Junior Middle School Students

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  【Abstract】Learning motivation plays an important role in students’ English learning process. This thesis first introduces the definition and classification of motivation and then puts forward some measures and strategies that can foster and motivate junior middle school students’ learning motivation.
  【Key words】English learning motivation; junior middle school students; measures and strategies
  I. Introduction
  It is universally acknowledged that English is a language widely used in the world. However, low attitude in English learning still frustrates some children according to their tough grades. Therefore, motivation which can actively drive students in English learning, plays a very important role. In this paper, the author would like to discuss English learning motivation and the ways to stimulate students’ motivation.
  II. Definition of motivation
  In order to study English learning motivation, it is necessary to understand different concepts of learning motivation in the first place. “Motivation involves the processes that energize, direct, and sustain behavior. That is, motivated behavior is behavior that is energized, directed and sustained” (John W.S., 2005:414).
  “Motivation is generally regarded as a kind of inherent power, a kind of emotion and a kind of desire to get people to take action”(Wang Churning, 1997:95).
  III. Classification of motivation
  1. Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation
  Intrinsic motivation refers to the motivation aroused by the learner’s interest, curiosity or want of self-achievement. Extrinsic motivation is aroused by the peripheral factors apart from the task itself, for instance, the fear of failing in the exam.
  2. Integrative motivation and instrumental motivation
  According to Gardner (1968), integrative motivation reflects the desire to achieve proficiency in a new language in order to become familiar with the community or even integrate into the society in which the language is used. While, instrumental motivation is defined as the learners’ practical purpose in learning a second language, such as applying for a job, reading foreign materials.
  IV. Suggestions on stimulating students’ motivation on English study
  1. Introducing efficient strategies and methods of English study
  Since the cognitive learning theory has been widely accepted in foreign language learning, it urgently needs teachers to help students build their own meaning construction as a consultant by offering them efficient and suitable learning strategies and methods which does great help to their scores.   2. Helping students fully understand the value of English study
  Under the high pressure, many middle school students in China consider English learning as a heavy study. Therefore, it is very important for teachers to tell students what they can learn and why they need to learn English. Teachers also need to organize the classroom teaching and after-school activities well in order to improve the attraction of English learning.
  3. Arousing student’s interest in English
  There exists a kind of phenomenon that the straight-A students perform better and better, while the poor students go to the other extreme. Students with higher motivation have a strong desire of communication and they have a high level of spirit of adventure so that they dare take more challenging tasks and get improved. Teachers should encourage students to join in various kinds of classroom and extensive study activities. It will do great help to improve students’ initiative.
  4. Giving students feedbacks on their evaluating assessments in time
  If students could receive punctual feedback about their learning process, for instance, how well students do in each test, whether students follow the right idea to solve problems, students’ learning motivation would increase. If the incentive is strengthened, the practice result will have great advance.
  5. Helping students construct positive attribution
  If students ascribe their success to internal cause such as the individual’s hard efforts of study or the strong desire to get high grades, they will get experience of success and achievement. On the other side, if students ascribe failure to the external causes such as luck or the unfriendly environment, they will feel more oppressed and unconfident. Therefore, teachers should cultivate the students’ habits of attribution during daily teaching process.
  [2]Gardner,R.C.(1968).Attitudes and Motivation:Their Role in Second- language Acquisition[J].TESOL Quarterly,2:141-150.
  [3]John W.S.Educational Psychology[M].北京:世界图书出版公司北京公司,2005:414.
【摘要】本文分析了初中学生在英语阅读理解方面存在的词汇量不足、思维力不强、知识面狭窄、缺乏阅读习惯的障碍,并提出了开展课外阅读,扩大词汇量;辅导阅读技巧,提升思维力;培养阅读习惯,拓展知识面的应对策略,帮助学生实现自身素养的进步和学习能力的提升。  【关键词】初中生 英语阅读理解障碍 策略分析  英语属于主科之一,对于学生当前的学习阶段有着十分重要的作用。英语作为一门世界语言,对于学生自身的学习生
【摘要】在互联网技术高度发达的今天,移动社交软件平台得到了飞速地发展,同时也为教学模式的实施与创新提供了硬件条件。例如,微信平台实现多元化的互动有利于更好地促进师生互动,提升学生的英语学习和语言运用的能力,从而达到提升教学效果的目标。  【关键词】微信 多元化 互动英语教学  高校的英语教学一直在我国高等教育中起着十分重要的作用,尤其是随着国际交流的日益频繁,我们对于英语素质能力要求也达到了全新的
【摘要】非智力因素对于初三的英语学习具有重要的影响。本文主要从动机,兴趣,情感,意志,性格这五个方面来分析非智力因素对初中生英语学习的影响,并以任务型教学法,情感交际教学法以及成败归因理论为理论基础,根据具体的教学情况和需要提出了相应策略。  【关键词】非智力因素 初中生 英语教学 策略  一、教师要坚持以激发内部动机为主,激发外部动机为辅  1.在20世纪50年代,Garden Lambert的
【摘要】学生学习并不是一个单纯学习知识的过程,而是一个由认知与情感相互融合共同组成的认知过程,因此,在初中英语教学当中,教师应充分认识到情感与认知的作用,注意学生情感,鼓励学生主动学习,并充分尊重学生在学习中主人翁地位,将情感教育融入实际教学的每个环节,提高教学效率,促进学生智商、情商共同进步。  【关键词】情感维度 情商 初中英语教学策略  近年来,随着教育发展与研究的深入,越来越多的教育学家开
A learner is not a passive recipient, but a key factor influencing the learning process and results. However, a teacher is still vitally important in foreign la
【摘要】英文绘本就是将绘画和英文文字有机结合的书籍。研究表明英语绘本中唯美的图片和简洁生动的文字有机结合能快速吸引低幼儿的注意力,培养他们的英语阅读兴趣,带给孩子们良好的英语阅读体验。笔者尝试将英文绘本引入汉江师范学院学院幼师专业英语课堂教学,通过教学实践发现英语绘本课堂教学形式生动活泼,不仅能够提高学生的英语学习能力而且对他们将来从业后的幼儿英语教学有极大的帮助。  【关键词】英文绘本 幼师 教
【摘要】随着社会经济的迅猛发展与全球一体化进程的不断深入,高等教育大众化背景下的高校英语教学重要性日益提升,高校阶段的教育是为社会培养并输送人才的主阵地,基于就业导向对高校英语教学理念与模式进行全面改革既是时代发展的迫切要求,又是高校英语专业教育水平得以提升的必由之路。本文以此为出发点,浅谈以就业导向为方向的高校英语教学改革趋向,以期能够为更多在此领域研究的进一步深入提供些许有价值的参考。  【关