楹联 ,又名对联、对子 ,她是中国汉语言文学丛林中最具民族特色的一支奇葩。在语文教学实践中 ,运用楹联教学法 ,可全面培养学生语言文学素质 ,提高其思想道德品质 ,强化其创新意识和创新能力。一、用于导语 ,出奇制胜语文课的导语对学生感受、品味、欣赏课文的“美” ,理解、?
Couplet, also known as couplets, pairs of children, she is the most unique national characteristics of the Chinese language and literature jungle. In the practice of Chinese teaching, the use of the Qilian Teaching Method can fully cultivate the quality of students’ language and literature, improve their ideological and moral qualities, and strengthen their innovative awareness and ability to innovate. First, for the lead, the lead of the winning language lesson for students to experience, taste, enjoy the “beauty” of the text, understand,?