今年7月1日是中国共产党建党80周年纪念日。为迎接这个伟大的日子,缅怀新民主主义革命时期中国共产党领导河南人民为民族解放、国家独立、自主而建立的丰功伟绩,由河南博物院精心筹办的《中原丰碑》大型陈列,于2月9日起免费向全社会长期开放。 该陈列是河南博物院纪念
July 1 this year marks the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. In order to welcome this great day, we should cherish the memory of the “Central Plains Monument”, a large-scale exhibition well-organized by the Henan Museum from the CPC Central Committee’s leadership of the Chinese people’s great achievements made by the people of Henan Province for the national liberation and the country’s independence and autonomy during the new-democratic revolution. Free long-term open to the whole society. The exhibition is Memorial of Henan Museum