云南省会泽县人武部立足山区资源优势,大力开展以劳养武活动,并注重把创收的资金用在民兵工作上,既减轻了群众负担,又有效地促进了武装工作的开展。 会泽县地处乌蒙山区,信息闭塞,经济文化落后,80%的群众生活在贫困线以下,难以真正做到民兵工作“三落实”。自去年以来,县人武部在上级部门和县委政府的大力支持下,根据当地矿资源丰富的优势,靠集资贷款组织民兵采矿营开进老矿山
Huize County People's Armed Forces in Yunnan Province, based on the advantages of mountain resources, vigorously carry out activities to recuperate with resources and pay more attention to using the revenue-generating funds for militia work. This not only lightens the mass burden but also effectively promotes the armed work. Huize County is located in the mountains of Wumeng, blocking the information, economic and cultural backwardness, 80% of the people living below the poverty line, it is difficult to truly militia work “three implementation.” Since last year, under the strong support of the superior departments and the county government, the County People's Armed Forces Department has organized the mines armored mining camps to raise money into the old mines