一、杂交一代红菜苔新品种9002: 红菜苔是秋冬季主要的畅销蔬菜之一,长期来由于品种混杂退化、迟熟,致使产量低,效益低。华中农大研究出一个杂交一代红菜苔新品种9002。其优点是早熟、耐热、抗病、丰产。从播种到始收仅50天,商品性好,外叶少,叶柄和苔均为紫红色,平均单株苔数11.6根,单根重37.5克,平均单株产量0.4公
First, a new generation of hybrid red ginseng varieties 9002: red ginseng is one of the main selling vegetables in autumn and winter, the long-term due to the variety of hybrid degeneration, late maturity, resulting in low yield and low efficiency. Huazhongnongda research to produce a new generation of hybrid red ginseng 9002. Its advantages are precocious, heat-resistant, disease-resistant, high yield. From sowing to harvest only 50 days, good merchandise, less outer leaves, petiole and moss are purple, the average number of single plant moss 11.6, a single weight 37.5 grams, the average yield per plant 0.4