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  First,the background
  (1)The emergence of flat design style
  Reproduce the original idea of the designer,starting with the“most beautiful Android system”-Android 5 using a flat design.Followed by the Apple ios7 system immediately used,by the September 2015 Apple 6s in the market,Apples 6s interface designis flat to the peak,ios9 system with a new look in front of users,Finely designed,simple and functional.So what is flattening? In 2008,Google proposed the concept of Flat Design,the core of which is to remove redundant decorative effects.It means to get rid of the quasi-physical design and remove the extra elements,such as projection and stroke.Design elements emphasize abstraction,simplification,symbolization,planes,and no transitions.At the level of interaction,it also tends to be succinct.Without too much guidance,users can complete the information acquisition,and the “information”itself is re-emerged as the core.Especially in the mobile app interface,the user interface refers to the connection space between the user and the object,and is a new concept generated to solve the human-computer interaction problem.User interface design is a complex project that involves multiple disciplines.Among them,psychology,design,linguistics,etc.all play an important role in it.The simple,flat design makes the picture look extraordinarily simple and comfortable.Not only does it clearly inform the user of the designers design ideas,it does not require more cumbersome explanations,and is convenient for the user to use,without spending more time trying to figure out the designers intentions.Reduced the operation of too many programs,fewer button tools,simple,clean,artistic and fashionable on the interface.The function and important information of the product can be reflected on the interface very quickly,which effectively reduces the time spent by the user on the product for most of the time.
  (II)Development status of mobile music app interface design
  With the birth of MP4,the mobile music app officially appeared in the market,but at that time there was no specific interface design.The interface we saw was all handled by the background programmers,so there would be a lack of aesthetics in the interface design and the interface design was not uniform.It is boring and tasteless.Due to limited technology at the time,the music interface was tedious and functional.However,with the continuous advancement of technology and the rapid arrival of the Internet era,the design of major music interfaces has been significantly improved and beautified,but there is still no qualitative leap,but with the advent of the Apple era,the era of music interface design has arrived.Therefore,the United States is a big country in the music industry and ranks first in the online music market.In the era when Apples mobile phones are popular,the contact between mobile music apps and the Internet is increasing.   Second,the practicality and artistry of interactive music interface design
  The aesthetic,artistic interface design is more attractive,and the user experience layer brings a wonderful experience.Beautiful products are often accepted.Some designers have too much to add design elements such as colors,icons and special effects in order to pursue aesthetics too much.This makes it difficult for users to discover the functions of products in a short period of time,which in turn leads to distraction of users.Therefore,the interactive music interface design is based on the flattening.The core purpose is to convey information as the first factor,to bear the role of transmitting information and to contact the user.In the process of design,blindly pursue the flat design of the interface design.Visualization ignores the characteristics of communicating information and user needs,which results in aflattened music interface design that loses its own functional features.Therefore,the practicality and user needs of the product must be put in the first place.
摘 要:数学是一门抽象的学科,无论是数学概念还是数学原理都具有高度的抽象性。小学生的思维正处于从具体形象思维向抽象逻辑思维过渡的阶段。数学知识的抽象性与儿童思维的具体形象构成了小学数学学习中的一对矛盾。在小学数学学习中,需要老师引导学生通过多种形式的直观感知活动去实现对抽象数学知识的理解和掌握。直观感知既是小学生获得数学知识的重要途径,也是他们理解和掌握数学知识的重要策略。在数学课堂教学活动中,需
我们生活中处处有物理,在一举一动中,存在着力的相互作用。城市的霓虹灯、蓝天上光的照射,光的反射与折射,都有很多奥秘等着我们探索,同学们敢于创新,培养良好习惯。  科学在我们身边无处不在,我们先看到闪电后听到雷声,关灯看电视视力会下降等等,我们要留心这些问题,从小处着手,细处着眼。  有一次,我在厨房帮助妈妈煮菜,没想到帮了倒忙,把胡椒粉和盐混在了一起。现在我想了两种办法,一是耐心地把它们一点一点地
摘 要:信息环境下,借助以多媒体技术、网络技术为核心的现代信息技术进行语文教学,对学生语文教育的培养和提高有着事半功倍之效。同时它也带来了教育内容、教学组织新式及课堂教学中师生关系的变化。小学语文作为一门基础学科,它立足于促进学生的发展,为他们的终身学习、生活和工作奠定基础。“它是一门极富情感、极具个性、极易激发想象和创造思维的学科。它在培养学生创新意识、创新思维方面有独特的作用”。因此,如果能在
送给老师的诗  老师,您的眼睛像太阳  我们就像一个个小行星  贪婪地吸收着您的光芒  老师,您的眼睛像露水  我们就如一朵朵小花儿  尽情地吮吸着您的滋养  老师,您的手臂像天空  我们就似一只只小麻雀  自由地享受着您的怀抱  老师,谢谢您  将我们从一个个无知的小朋友  培养成饱读诗书的好少年  今天我要送您一首诗  还要送您一幅畫  让您在诗情画意中  欢度一个快乐的节日
摘 要:本文以比较文学的重要分支跨学科研究作为论述对象,采用了文献研究法和概念分析法,对比较文学跨学科研究的学科发展进行了反思。文章大体论述了比较文学跨学科研究的边界问题,论述了比较文学跨学科研究的边界扩大和边界模糊问题,并以此二个问题为角度,对比较文学的学科建设进行了探讨。  关键词:比较文学;跨学科研究;边界  1961年,美国比较文学学者亨利·雷马克(Henry H.H.Remak)在他所写
摘 要:高中学习阶段作为学生人生的一个重要岔路口,是学生发展中的重要阶段,高中班主任的班级管理工作在一定程度上影响着学生的未来。而班主任如何管理好自己的班级,使学生形成良好的学习作风,使班集体形成良好的班级作风,是班主任必须解决的重要难题。如何在提高学生学习成绩的同时做好学生的心理工作是一个值得研究的问题,因此本文从班主任的语言、行為、管理方式等方面进行分析,进一步阐述高中班主任工作中的管理和教育
摘 要:本文主要以高职英语教学中交际法的运用为重点进行阐述,结合当下高职英语教学中交际法运用的重要性为主要依据,从创设语言情景,构建语言交际环境、应用工作过程知识,布置语言交际任务、提高跨文化意识,提高语言整体能力这几方面进行深入探索与研究,其目的在于提升教学质量和效率,培养学生的综合能力和核心素养,为社会输送更多具有实践能力的专业技能型人才。  关键词:高职英语;英语教学;交际法  引言:在新课
Abstract:in China early in the last century has entered the ranks of the aging countries,and now China is one of the worlds aging population most that their ability to adapt to the enviro
摘 要:绘画活动是幼儿园美术活动的重要组成部分。繪画是幼儿认识、感知世界的情感流露,幼儿通过绘画表达自己的内心世界。教育家陈鹤琴先生曾说过:“绘画是口语的先导,表达美感之良器。”“兴趣是最好的老师”,对绘画活动有兴趣的幼儿,在绘画过程中不仅能得到情绪上的满足,还能促进其身心发展。因此,教师在美术活动中,应培养幼儿的绘画兴趣,鼓励幼儿的创新意识,发展幼儿的想象力。  关键词:幼儿绘画 兴趣  幼儿美
摘 要:微信属于一种即时通讯工具,不管是我国学生还是外国留学生在语言学习的过程中,这一工具都得到了广泛应用,为语言学习提供了新的学习方式。经调查发现,利用微信平台学习语言取得了显著的效果,学习者不仅热情及效率有所提高,而且还能交到同语言学习的朋友,共同进步。因此利用该平台学习语言具有可持续性。  关键词:微信平台、“胞波”情谊、缅甸语学习  (一)微信平台概述  当今的社会是一个高速发展的互联网社