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我们知道在中学数学中关于指数函数y=a~x(a>0,a≠1)图象与性质的教学过程.一般地说都是应用数形结合的数学思想:先采用描点作图的方法,绘出有代表意义的若干个指数函数(如y=2~x,y=10~x,y= [1/2]~x的图象,然后观察这些函数的图象,找出图象共同的几何特征。再使用不完全归纳法加以推广后.就得出了指数函数的性质。即对学生来说指数函数的性质是通过观察这些函数的图象得到的,其正确性并没有得到理论上的严格证明。 We know the teaching process of the image and the nature of the exponential function y = a ~ x (a> 0, a ≠ 1) in the middle school mathematics. Generally speaking, all of them are mathematical ideas that use the combination of numbers and shapes: Method, draw a number of representative exponential functions (such as y = 2 ~ x, y = 10 ~ x, y = [1/2] ~ x image, and then observe the image of these functions, find the map Such as the common geometric features.And then use the incomplete induction to be extended, we come to the nature of the exponential function.For students, the nature of the exponential function is obtained by observing the image of these functions, the correctness is not Get theoretically rigorous proof.
【中图分类号】G621【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)04-0051-02  品德课程所追寻的理念是“回归生活”。“活动化”教学方式正是课程生活性、开放性、活动性的体现。但是在实际的教学活动中,却出现了为活动而活动,一味追求活动的形式、气氛,而脱离了学生本身,和学生的实际经验、年龄特点相距甚远,或者学生说空话假话,行为提升没有着力点。因此,怎样提高活动教学的实效性,让孩