西班牙马德里的依维柯工厂是凯斯纽荷兰工业集团旗下第一家达到世界级制造(WCM)金级认证的制造工厂。WCM是制造业工厂和生产流程综合管理的全球最高标准之一。马德里工厂获得金级认证,是集团全球64家工厂中卓越制造水平最高的一家。依维柯品牌总裁Pierre Lahutte表示:“马德里工厂取得WCM金级认证令我们非常骄傲。这是一项巨大的成就,与工厂全体员工的精诚合作和敬业精神密不可分。我们对工厂进行
The Iveco plant in Madrid, Spain is the first manufacturing plant certified by Wesley New Holland Industries Group to achieve world-class manufacturing (WCM) gold certification. WCM is one of the highest global standards for integrated manufacturing and manufacturing processes. The Gold Factory in Madrid is certified to be the highest level of manufacturing excellence in 64 of the Group’s plants worldwide. Pierre Lahutte, President of Iveco Brands, said: ”We are very proud to have the WCM Gold certification at our factory in Madrid, which is a tremendous achievement and is deeply rooted in our dedicated cooperation and dedication to all our employees.