小学生还在启蒙教育阶段,应主要是“娱乐式聆听”。欣赏的曲目应注重悦耳性、趣味性,可多选用一些舞曲,进行曲曲目。在低年级小学生的音乐课上,还可以让学生在音乐声中进行一些游戏活动。 中学生,特别是初中生的智力已有所发展,可以进入“理解式聆听”的阶段。教师可以选一些形象生动的标题音乐,如《彼得与狼》、《天方夜谭》,或是一些小型器乐曲,如舒曼的《梦幻曲》
Primary school children are still in the stage of enlightenment education and should mainly be “entertaining listening”. Appreciation of the track should focus on the pleasing to the eye, interesting, you can choose to use some dance music, marching tracks. In the lower primary pupil's music class, you can also let the students perform some game activities in the sound of music. The intelligence of middle school students, especially junior high school students, has developed and can enter the stage of “understanding listening”. Teachers can choose some vivid headline music, such as “Peter and the Wolf,” “Fantasy”, or some small instrument, such as Schumann's “Dream”