Complexities of Identity Formation: A Critical Discourse Analysis of a Novice EFL Teacher’s Identity

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  【Abstract】This thesis intends to explore the process of identity construction of an ELF teacher. After analysis of his words, the following three findings are summarized: First, middle school teachers can enjoy high social reputation but low economic status. Second, teachers should treat students equally and become their friends and guiders. Third, to be responsible for students, teachers need to keep charging themselves and strive to teach students some knowledge beyond the textbook.
  【Key words】Critical Discourse Analysis; identity construction; teacher identity
  1. Introduction
  Teacher identity has aroused scholars’ increasing concern recently. Based on the previous studies of teacher identity, this thesis aims to explore the identity construction of an EFL teacher who is also a postgraduate by CDA (critical discourse analysis).
  2. Literature Review
  Teacher identity is a continuous and dynamic process, which involves teachers’ own experiences as well as other people’s impression or expectation of teacher group. It is a continuum and something that develop during teachers’ entire life time.
  The formation of teacher identity is rather complex. Tsui (2007) explores also teachers’ identity formation and finds that teacher’s identity formation is highly complex. Based on his studies, this thesis explores the identity construction of a middle school teacher who is also a postgraduate using CDA.
  3. Methodology
  This study adopted a qualitative approach to analyzing the narrative of a postgraduate Ming Zhou. The author interviewed Ming Zhou and selected four samples for analysis. The four interview questions are: 1. Why do you want to become a teacher? 2. What do you think should a good teacher be like? 3. What do you think of middle school teachers’ social position? 4. What do you think of teacher-student relationship?
  4. Data analysis
  This part analyzes the narratives of Ming Zhou through some methods of CDA like lexicalization classification, modality and so on. The analysis is conducted from the perspective of teachers’ professional and personal identities.
  (1) People always say teachers are like a candle, a wise people. Teachers are the engineers of human soul. In conclusion, I think there is much pressure on the shoulder of teachers.
  (2) As for me, I think teachers should work like a gardener, willing to work hard and responsible for the students.
  In utterance (1) and (2), lexical classification in Ming Zhou’s narratives about his professional identity will be analyzed. Ming Zhou considered teachers as “a candle, a wise people and the engineers of human soul”, indicating someone selfless and willing to contribute for others.   (3) We are also like a light to lead students to the brilliant places.
  (4) I prefer to be students’ friends. Of course, sometimes I also treat them as my kids.
  In utterance (3) and (4), “supporters” and “light” mean that teachers should provide students with useful knowledge, help them to get through darkness to brilliance and conquer difficulties.
  After the analysis of referring expressions in Ming Zhou’s narrative like utterance (4), we can see that Ming Zhou prefers to use “I” to signify himself instead of “we”. He also uses “we” or “teacher” to identify himself as a member of the group of middle school teachers.
  5. Conclusion
  After the study of the identity construction of Ming Zhou through linguistic approach CDA, we can arrive in the following brief summary of his teacher’s identity. First, in terms of professional identity, Ming Zhou indicates that middle school teachers can obtain high social reputation but low economic status. Second, in terms of relational identity, Ming Zhou thinks that teachers should treat students equally and become their friends. Third, in terms of personal identity, Ming Zhou regards himself a responsible teacher because he keeps charging himself and strives to teach his students some knowledge beyond the textbook.
  [1]Amy B.M.Tsui.Complexities of Identity Formation: A Narrative Inquiry of an EFL Teacher.TESOL Quarterly,2007.41,657-690.
【摘要】本文把视角对准学困生这一独特群体,通过观注英语学困生的学习生态,分析学困生形成的原因,探讨基于核心素养教学理念下的学困生 转化方法:即以英語阅读为切入点,以低度阅读为突破口,探究个性化的阅读学习策略,以低度阅读策略教学,唤醒英语学困生的心。实现学困生自主学习能力的锻造培养,落实立德树人的根本任务,达到英语课程标准对学生能力的重要要求。  【关键词】核心素养 低度阅读 阅读策略 唤醒  引言
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