对于众多的仰慕者而言,伯纳德·毕费是一个“纯粹的天才”。他15岁进入巴黎国立高等美术学院,20岁获得批评家奖(prix de la critique),24岁为法国著名诗人洛特雷阿蒙(Comte de Lautramont)的代表作《马尔多罗之歌》〈Les Chants deMaldoror)作插图,27岁被《认知艺术》(Connaissance des arts)杂志评为战后10大艺术家之一,30岁在巴黎夏邦杰画廊(GalerieCharpentier)举办了第一次作品回顾展。他纵横驰骋于艺坛将近50年,视绘画为生命,用自己独一无二的毕费式黑线风格赢得了赞誉和褒扬。毕费的绘画是一个充满表现意味的线条世界,他重线条甚于色彩,不管是静物、
For many admirers, Bernard Beefee is a “pure genius.” At the age of 15, he entered the National Academy of Fine Arts in Paris, got the prix de la critique at the age of 20, and was the 24-year-old masterpiece of the famous French poet Comte de Lautr â € œamont. Les Chants de Maldoror, 27, was named one of the top 10 post-war artists by the Connaissance des arts magazine and a retrospective of the first works by the 30-year-old Galerie Charpentier in Paris. He traveled in the art world for almost 50 years. As a living artist, he won praise and compliments with his unique Bi-style black line style. Bi Fei’s painting is a world full of expression lines, he is more emphasis on color lines, whether it is still life,