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南京城西北有座狮子山,它紧挨长江大桥南引桥,山顶正在修建的阅江楼是继黄鹤楼、岳阳楼、滕王阁后的长江沿岸第四大名楼,将于今年9月在南京“世界华商大会”召开前竣工开放。春日暖阳,万物复苏,我在下关区旅游局朋友的陪同下,随着锻炼和踏青的人群,踩着鹅卵石和青石板铺成的盘山道来到山巅,登上了还在彩梁画栋的阅江楼。明洪武七年(1374年)朱元璋为建此楼而令诸职事撰写《阅江楼记》,留传至今的有明大儒宋濂的《阅江楼记》(《古文观止》第十二卷)及朱元璋亲撰的《阅江楼记》和《又阅江楼记》等3篇。后因某种原因,朱元璋只修了一个山顶“平砥”(楼基),而楼未建成。在《阅江楼记》撰成626年后,在山顶平砥处修建一座明代风格的阅江楼,可谓是传世佳话!阅江楼成L型,主翼面北,次翼面西,两翼皆可观赏长江风光。主楼外观四层、暗三层,总高度达50米,总建筑面积3500平方米。两翼各以歇山顶层次递降,屋顶犬牙交错,高低起伏,形成跌宕多变的优美轮廓线;屋面由黄色琉璃瓦覆盖,并镶有绿色琉璃瓦缘边,檐下斗拱彩绘各异,柱子、门窗红中 There is a Lion Rock in the northwest of Nanjing City, which is close to the South Approach Bridge of the Yangtze River Bridge. The building under construction at the top of the Yuejiang Tower is the fourth largest building on the Yangtze River coast after Yellow Crane Tower, Yueyang Tower and Tengwang Pavilion. It will be held in Nanjing in September this year. World Chinese Business Conference “before the completion of the opening. Warm spring sun, all things recovery, I am in Shimonoseki District Tourism Board accompanied by friends, with the crowd and outing, stepping on cobblestone and bluestone paved Panshan Road came to the summit, boarded the still Cairn painting Building of the river house. Ming Hongwu seven years (1374) Zhu Yuanzhang to build this building and all the staff writing ”reading“, leaving the Ming Dynasty Ming Dynasty emperor Song 濂 ”reading“ (”Gu Wen Gu Zhi“ twelfth volume) and Zhu Yuanzhang pro-authored ”reading house floor“ and ”read Jiangjian Ji“ and other 3 articles. After some reason, the emperor only built a hilltop ”Pingdi" (floor base), while the building is not completed. In 626 years after the compilation of The Story of the House of the Louvre, the Ming Dynasty-style Yuejiang Tower was built on the top of Pingdingshan at the top of the mountain. Can watch the Yangtze River scenery. The main building exterior four, dark three, with a total height of 50 meters, with a total construction area of ​​3500 square meters. The two wings each to Xieshan level descend, roof staggered, ups and downs, the formation of ups and downs of the beautiful outline; roof covered by yellow glazed tile, and set with green glazed tile edge, under the eaves brackets painted different columns, windows and doors in the red
【正】 震惊中外的西安事变距今整整半个世纪了。五十年前,中华民族正值灾难深重之际。1931年,日本帝国主义制造了“九一八”事变,发动了对中国的侵略战争。由于蒋介石实行卖
本文将区间上的凸函数推广为 h凸函数 ,并得到了 h凸函数的若干等价命题
函数是高中数学的重点内容 ,函数思想贯穿于整个高中数学中。求函数的值域 (最值 )是函数的核心问题之一 ,本文比较全面地介绍了求函数值域 (最值 )的几种常用方法及其一般应