本文研究了我们在“无线接入中心交换局系统”(WACOS)中提出的基于“简单网络信令协议”(SNSP)的“分布式呼叫处理模型结构”(DCPA)。该结构根据路由状态执行呼叫许可控制 (RCAC) ,采用“预建立链路”和“并行连接控制”(PCC)相结合的“改进的并行连接控制”(IPCC)算法加快呼叫处理进程。分析结果表明 ,同样的网络条件下 ,RCAC更能保证业务尤其是低优先级业务的 ;QosDCPA结构更易实现网络级的传输复用 ;IPCC算法较原有的PCC算法更能有效地降低呼叫延迟。
This paper examines the Distributed Calling Processing Model Structure (DCPA) based on the Simple Network Signaling Protocol (SNSP) that we presented in WACOS (Wireless Access Center Switching System). The architecture performs Call Admission Control (RCAC) based on routing status and accelerates the call processing process using the Improved Parallel Connection Control (IPCC) algorithm, a combination of “pre-established link” and “parallel connection control” (PCC). The analysis results show that under the same network conditions, RCAC can guarantee services especially low-priority services; QosDCPA structure can more easily implement network-level transmission multiplexing; and IPCC algorithm can reduce call delay more effectively than the original PCC algorithm.