今日出门偶遇久友,他是卖电脑的行家、修电脑的能手,往日里看他踌踌满志的,怎么今日作垂头丧气状?一问起来,他可倒了一肚子苦水,在去除谈话中的水分杂质之后,我还是发现了里面的金矿存在,在下不敢独享现呈文以记之。 有段时间我(以下文中的‘我’是这位电脑高手的自称,非作者也)外出都不敢佩BB机,你肯定要问为啥?告诉你吧!我怕被熟人呼着!那为啥呢?因为怕被抓着去修电脑,如今这土配、洋配的电脑可真是高级的麻烦!别看现在工作得正常,可说不上哪天用啥软件就“当”了、就“死”了!用户往往摸不着头脑,他不敢修自己的电脑,但可敢修理卖电脑的人。你说我这不三天两头的被抓去嘛! 用户是上帝这句话没错!但这些上帝也实在是太…难…伺候了,计算机一有状况,我一赶过去,他先数落一道这计算机如何如何的不好用!结果我一检查,往往这些故障是操作者使用不当所造成的,有一些小问题甚至连故障都算不上,但他们就是没有办法动手……唉!目前许多计算机操作者的素质太低,有些其实就是设置上的小小问题,但他们连最基本的故障判断方法都不懂,就更甭提修了!谈到这笔者不禁打断了他的话,两人开始就如何简易判断和处理计算机死机的方法展开
Today, he goes out to encounter a longtime friend. He is an expert in computer selling. He was a computer expert. In the past he was frustrated. How could he be frustrated today? As soon as he asked, he could pour down his stomach and talk to him After the moisture impurities, I still found the existence of the gold inside, under the dare not exclusive present article to remember. For some time I (hereinafter the ’I’ is the self-proclamation of this computer expert, non-author also) are afraid to wear a BB machine, you must ask why? Let us tell you! I am afraid of acquaintance called! So why? Because of fear of being arrested to repair the computer, now with the soil, with the computer can be really senior trouble! Do not look at the normal work now, can be said that day what software to use “when” to “die”! Users are often scratching their heads, he was afraid to repair their own computers, but you can dare repair people selling computers. You say I am not caught in three days and two! User is God this sentence is true! But these gods are too ... hard ... wait, the computer as soon as possible, I rush in the past, he first came to a count of how the computer how bad! Results I checked, often these failures are caused by improper use of the operator, there are some minor problems or even failure are not really, but they just can not do anything ... ... alas! At present, the quality of many computer operators is too low. Some of them are actually minor problems in setting up, but they do not even understand the most basic troubleshooting methods. Speaking of this author can not help but interrupted him, the two began to how to easily judge and deal with computer crashes