Comparison of Nuclear Accumulation of p53 Protein with Mutations in the p53 Gene of Human Breast C

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xunzhaogancao
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Objective The objective was to compare nuclear accumulation of p53 protein with mutations in the p53 gene on the tissues of human breast cancer. Methods Fifty four invasive ductal carcinomas of breast were analyzed by the method of polymerase chain reaction single strand conformational polymorphism (PCR SSCP) silver stain and strep avidin biotin peroxidase complex (SABC) immunohistochemistry. Results A statistically significant association between the presence of p53 gene mutation and nuclear accumulation of p53 protein was found (P<0.01). 22 tumors that demonstrated p53 gene mutations showed nuclear accumulation of p53 protein, while only 9 (28%) showed nuclear accumulation of p53 protein in 32 tumors without p53 gene mutations. Both p53 mutation protein and p53 gene mutations were prevalent in steroid and progesterone receptors negative tumors (P<0.05). A statistically significant association was found between the nuclear accumulation of p53 protein and lymph node invasion (P<0.05), and between p53 gene mutations and lymph node invasion (P<0.05). p53 abnormalities might be associated with an aggressive phenotype in breast cancer. Conclusion The immunohistochemical detection of nuclear p53 protein accumulation is highly associated with p53 gene mutations in breast cancer tissues, and that this method is useful for rapid screening of p53 abnormalities. However, in order to avoid false positive reaction, the p53 gene mutations should be determined in cases slightly positive for p53 nuclear protein. Method of objective four-invasive ductal carcinomas of breast were analyzed by the method of polymerase chain reaction single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR SSCP) Silver stain and strep avidin biotin peroxidase complex (SABC) immunohistochemistry. Results A ly significant association between the presence of p53 gene mutation and nuclear accumulation of p53 protein was found (P<0.01). 22 tumors that showed p53 gene mutations showed nuclear accumulation of P53 protein, while only 9 (28%) showed nuclear accumulation of p53 protein in 32 tumors without p53 gene mutations. Both p53 mutation protein and p53 gene mutations were prevalent in steroid and progesterone receptors negative tumors (P<0.05). Association was found between the nuclear accumulation of p53 protein and lymph node invasion ( P<0.05), and between p53 gene mutations and lymph node invasion (P<0.05). P53 abnormalities might be associated with an aggressive phenotype in breast cancer. Conclusion The immunohistochemical detection of nuclear p53 protein accumulation is highly associated with p53 gene mutations in Breast cancer tissues, and that this method is useful for rapid screening of p53 abnormalities. However, in order to avoid false positive reaction, the p53 gene mutations should be determined in cases slightly positive for p53 nuclear protein.
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