
来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peace_2009
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It can be beneficial to reduce vibrations in shipboard piping, so the authors designed a new kind of piping damper with a plunger-type accumulator.Special requirements for the piping damper included low impact displacement, low speed, as well as an appropriate locking speed.Inside the damper, a plunger-type accumulator was installed and on the outside of the piston rod, a tube with exposed corrugations was added.Between the piston and the cylinder, a clearance seal was added.Using mathematical modeling, the effects of the dynamic performance of the damper’s impact displacement on vibrations were observed.Changes to the clearance between the piston and the cylinder, the stiffness of the spring in the accumulator, the throttle valve size, and locking speed resistance of the damper were respectively simulated and studied.Based on the results of the simulation, dampers with optimal parameters were developed and tested with different accumulator spring stiffnesses and different throttles.The simulation and experimental results showed that parameters such as seal clearance between piston and cylinder, accumulator spring stiffness and throttle parameters have significant effects on the damper’s impact displacement, low speed resistance and locking speed. It can be beneficial to reduce vibrations in shipboard piping, so the authors designed a new kind of piping damper with a plunger-type accumulator. Special requirements for the piping damper include low impact displacement, low speed, as well as an appropriate locking speed. Inside the damper, a plunger-type accumulator was installed and on the outside of the piston rod, a tube with exposed corrugations was added. Butween the piston and the cylinder, a clearance seal was added. Using mathematical modeling, the effects of the dynamic performance of the damper’s impact displacement on vibrations were observed. Change in to clearance between the piston and the cylinder, the stiffness of the spring in the accumulator, the throttle valve size, and locking speed resistance of the damper were respectively simulated and studied. on the results of the simulation, dampers with optimal parameters were developed and tested with different accumulator spring stiffnesses and different throttles.Th e simulation and experimental results showed that parameters such as seal clearance between piston and cylinder, accumulator spring stiffness and throttle parameters have significant effects on the damper’s impact displacement, low speed resistance and locking speed.
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米兰·昆德拉  他的书短时间内在中国几乎全都翻译出版了,而且在西方也红得又透又快,是个奇迹。他不是一个通俗作家,可是书的印数有时像通俗作家一样多。  我认为他的几本书中,最好的是《玩笑》,其次是《生命中不能承受之轻》。后一本书把他的拿手好戏推到了一个高峰。其余的只是在重复和演变,像后来的《不朽》,已经写得相当吃力。尽管作者依旧摆出一副悠闲的、从容不迫的解说和镂刻的姿态,但捉襟见肘和敷衍的感觉仍较为