The growth mechanism of hydrotalcite crystals was studied from the perspective of growth primitives and the results show that the growth morphology of hydrotalcite accords with the growth model of anionic coordination polyhedron. The Raman spectra of Mg-Al hydrotalcite, Cu-Mg-Al hydrotalcite, Mg-Al-Mg-Al hydrotalcite growth solution Raman shift found Mg-Al hydrotalcite plate growth element is [Mg- (OH) 6] 4-, [Al- The hydrotalcite-based growth units are [M- (OH) 6] 4- (M = Zn2 +, Cu2 +), [Mg- Growth is the growth of the first element of the metal lamination stack layer, and then re-adsorption of anions An and H2O, in order to cycle layered compounds. Hydrotalcite growth of different growth conditions, will make the growth of different morphologies, as well as the formation of different Shape hydrotalcite.The article also analyzes why the copper-containing hydrotalcite is more difficult to synthesize.