军事题材创作的新突破 文学系《突出重围》作品讨论课摘要

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获 1999年度中宣部“五个一”工程奖和解放军文艺奖并入围中宣部推荐的向建国 5 0周年献礼的 10部长篇小说名列第二的《突出重围》 ,在世纪末掀起了一股军事文学热潮。新千年伊始 ,中央电视台又在黄金时段推出根据同名小说改编的 2 2集电视连续剧 ,在社会上引起了广泛的反响并在由总政治部宣传部组织的全军电视剧评奖中获得一等奖。新学期之初 ,文学系师生对小说和电视剧《突出重围》进行了一堂别开生面的作品讨论课 ,在此摘发部分内容 ,以飨读者。 The “Outstanding Torch Relay”, which won second place in 1999 for the “Five-One” Prize awarded by the Central Propaganda Department and awarded by the People’s Liberation Army for Literature and Art and was listed for the 50th anniversary presented by the Central Propaganda Department to Xiang Jianguo, finished the second with “ Shares of military literature boom. At the beginning of the new millennium, CCTV released another 22 sets of TV series adapted from the novel of the same name in prime time. It has aroused widespread public response and won the first prize in the army television drama awards organized by the Propaganda Department of the General Political Department. At the beginning of the new semester, the department of literature and art conducted a fantastic seminar on the composition of fiction and drama ”Outstanding Enclosures," in which part of the content was extracted to readers.
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