全新Dior VIII Grand Bal Plume 2017中国新年限量版高级腕表以雄鸡羽毛点缀其标志性摆陀,如舞裙般翩跹旋转,庆贺中国鸡年的到来。金红相衬的太阳纹表盘仿若旭日初升,带来新一年的希望。Dior迪奥VIII Grand Bal Plume系列高级腕表2017中国新年限量版
The new Dior VIII Grand Bal Plume 2017 Chinese New Year Limited Edition senior watch with rooster feathers embellished its iconic swing Tuo, such as dance skirts and elegantly rotating to celebrate the arrival of the Chinese Year of the Rooster. Gold and red contrast sun dial like the rising sun, bringing the hope of the new year. Dior Dior VIII Grand Bal Plume series of high-level watch 2017 Chinese New Year limited edition