举世瞩目的首届高交会落帷以后,高交会组委会内的有关部门, 仍洋溢着浓郁的高交会气氛, 提供项目和寻找项目的单位络绎不绝,网上交易一直未断,已成交的1000多个项目的跟踪服务也在抓紧进行。日前,组委会已收到新的高新技术项目1096项,上网530项,拟投资意向100多项。 国内外企业、高校、科研机构对不落幕的高交会密切关注。 各省市在首届高交会结束后,不仅积极预定下一届高交会的展位,而且以来访、来函、来电、
After the first high-tech fair which has attracted worldwide attention, the relevant departments within the Organizing Committee of the fair are still filled with a rich atmosphere of high-tech fair. There are an endless stream of projects and projects looking for online transactions, which have been traded online for 1000 times Tracking of multiple projects is also pressing ahead. Recently, the organizing committee has received 1,096 new high-tech projects, 530 online projects and plans to invest more than 100 intentions. Domestic and foreign enterprises, universities and research institutes pay close attention to the non-stop high-tech fair. After the completion of the first Hi-Tech Fair, the provinces and cities not only actively reserved the booths of the next Hi-Tech Fair, but also exchanged letters, calls,