位于长江入海口南岸的江苏省太仓市浏家港马北村,这个昔日是十年九荒的“车袋湾”,如今正在变成农民理想的乐园。这儿看似乡村,却更像城镇;说是城镇,又不失田园风味。村北的工业区,各类村办企业鳞次栉比,排成一片;村东的外资区,16个合资企业星罗棋布,蔚为壮观;村西的居民区,新楼成群,气势不凡;村南,新建的度假村亭台幽雅,碧波粼粼,一派诗情画意!1993年,全村实现工业产值4.5亿元,创汇3000万美元,农民人均收入超过3200元。 说起马北村的巨变,这儿的农民激情满怀地说:“马北能有今天,不靠天,不靠地,靠的是党组织高
Located in Mabei Village, Liujiagang, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, on the southern bank of the mouth of the Yangtze River, this former “carbag bay” of nine years of famine is now becoming an ideal paradise for peasants. Here looks like the village, but more like the town; that is the town, without losing the pastoral flavor. In the north of the village, all kinds of village-run enterprises are lined up in row with one another. The foreign-invested districts in the east of the village are dotted with 16 joint ventures and become spectacular. The residential areas and new buildings in the village are magnificent. Resort Pavilion elegant, blue sparkling, one group of poetic! In 1993, the whole village realized an industrial output value of 450 million yuan and a foreign exchange earning 30 million U.S. dollars. Peasants’ per capita income exceeded 3,200 yuan. Speaking of the vicissitudes of Ma North Village, the peasants here passionately said: "Today, Ma North can not rely on heaven or on land, relying on high party organizations