《傻子西蒙》(Simple Simon)是丹麦童话作家汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(1805—1875)的一篇童话。内容是某国公主征婚,未婚青年都跃跃欲试。有一家人有三个儿子,老大老二都饱读诗书,他们也作了充分的准备。老三整天跟泥土打交道,人称“傻子西蒙”。征婚的日子来到了,宫廷前挤得水泄不通。在极度紧张的气氛下,老大老二汗流如注,语无伦次。老三却以劳动人民的朴实本质,用大实话对公主所提的三个问题作了恰到好处的回答,从而赢得了公主的爱情。童话表达了安徒生反对矫揉造作、主张显露人的本色的思想。
Simple Simon is a fairy tale by Danish fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875). Content is a country princess marriage, unmarried youth are eager. One family has three sons and two seniors and two are all reading poetry, they also made full preparations. The third day deal with the soil, called “fool Simon ”. The day of the marriage came, crowded in front of the court. In an extremely tense atmosphere, Boss two sweating, incoherent. The Third Parents, taking the simple nature of the working people as the right answer to the three questions raised by the princess in great truth, won the princess’s love. The fairy tale expresses Andersen’s objection to artificial creation, advocating revealing the true nature of human thought.