今年上半年,广州地区城镇登记失业率为3.88%,比2000年底全国平均城镇登记失业率3.1%高出0.78个百分点,换一句话说,即每100名适龄并具劳动能力的劳动者中多了近1人的城镇登记失业者。在“九五”期间,广州的失业率始终在2.6%左右俳徊,宛如 sin(正弦函数)的走向,在一个轴心区间上下波动,并低于全国平均水平。到2000年广州失业率颇有攀高的趋势,达3.15%,但仍与全国失业率基本持平。今年以来,失业率上升的势头有增无减,创
In the first half of this year, the registered unemployment rate of urban areas in Guangzhou was 3.88%, 0.78 percentage points higher than the 3.1% of the national average registered urban unemployment rate at the end of 2000. In other words, among 100 laborers who were age-matched and capable of working, Nearly 1 registered urban unemployed. During the Ninth Five-year Plan period, the unemployment rate in Guangzhou continued to fluctuate around 2.6%, just like the trend of sin (sine function), fluctuating in an axis region and below the national average. By 2000, the unemployment rate in Guangzhou has risen by as much as 3.15%, but it is still basically the same as the national unemployment rate. Since the beginning of this year, the unemployment rate has risen steadily and hit record highs