
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dxseu
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Aims: To prospectively estimate the incidence of bronchiectasis among New Zealand (NZ) children, to consider aetiology and severity, and to evaluate regional and ethnic variation. Methodology: NZ paediatricians were surveyed monthly for new cases of bronchiectasis during 2001 and 2002 via the NZ paediatric surveillance unit (with coverage of >94%of NZ paediatricians). Notified cases had their computed tomography scans reviewed and scored for severity. Confirmed cases were followed up by postal questionnaire one year after diagnosis. Demographic, aetiological, and severity data were collected. Results: Ninety nine notifications were received. Sixty five cases were confirmed. An overall incidence of 3.7 per 100 000 under 15 year old children per year was estimated. Incidence was highest in Pacific children at 17.8 compared with 4.8 in Maari, 1.5 in NZ European, and 2.4 other per 100 000 per year. Incidence varied significantly by region. The median age at diagnosis was 5.2 years; the majority had symptoms for more than two years. Eighty three per cent had bilateral disease, with a median of three lobes affected, mean FEV1 of 77%predicted, and modified Bhalla HRCT score of 18. Conclusions: The incidence of bronchiectasis is high in NZ children, nearly twice the rate for cystic fibrosis and seven times that of Finland, the only other country reporting a childhood national rate. Incidence varied substantially between ethnicities. Most cases developed disease in early childhood and had delayed diagnosis. Aims: To prospectively estimate the incidence of bronchiectasis among New Zealand (NZ) children, to consider aetiology and severity, and to evaluate regional and ethnic variation. Methodology: NZ paediatricians were surveyed monthly for new cases of bronchiectasis during 2001 and 2002 via the NZ Pediatric surveillance unit (with coverage of> 94% of NZ pediatricians). Notified cases had their computed tomography scans reviewed and scored for severity. Confirmed cases were followed up by postal questionnaire one year after diagnosis. Demographic, aetiological, and severity data were collected Sixty five cases were confirmed. An overall incidence of 3.7 per 100 000 under 15 year old children per year was estimated. Incidence was highest in Pacific children at 17.8 compared with 4.8 in Maari, 1.5 in NZ European, and 2.4 other per 100 000 per year. Incidence significantly significantly by region. The median age at diagnosis was 5.2 years; the maj ory had symptoms for more than two years. Eighty three per cent had bilateral disease, with a median of three lobes affected, mean FEV1 of 77% predicted, and modified Bhalla HRCT score of 18. Conclusions: The incidence of bronchiectasis is high in NZ nearly twice the rate for cystic fibrosis and seven times that of Finland, the only other country reporting a childhood national rate. Incidence of substantially not ethnicities. Most cases developed disease in early childhood and had delayed diagnosis.
摘 要  高中生物是高中教育中的有机内容之一,其教学质量的高低关系学生对相关知识的掌握程度,还关系着学生综合能力的提升。现阶段,启发式教学开始应用到各个学科的教学之中,生物教学也不例外,这样不仅能够进一步改善学生的学习水平,还能够在很大程度上促进生物教学的进程。随着时代的发展,怎样进一步提高该种教学模式的应用效果,成为今后亟需解决的一个课题。本文首先阐述了该种模式应用的基本原则,然后提出应用该种模
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