
来源 :华中师院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zphym
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笔者在《政治经济学的对象和生产关系的内涵》(载《华中师院学报》1980年第4期)一文中,对生产关系作了三个角度和三种分类的分析(以下简称“两重三分法”),并拟制了一个生产关系内涵与所有制关系的示意图。当时这样作的直接目的是为了阐述生产资料所有制是包括在生产关系之内的——这样一个论断,对于“两重三分法”的一般意义,则没有来得及论述。本文想从这个意义上就以下两个问题加以补述。第一个问题:“两重三分法”从第三角度看生产关系,把企业管理(这里,暂把它作生产管理与经济管理的统称)纳入生产关系的范畴。这样做,对于理解企业管理的客观性质及其所反映的各种复杂的经济关系是不无裨益的。在已出版的经济学著作中,从第一角度和第二角度,即从广义与狭义来看生产关系是比较普遍的,这里并无笔者的新的创造。(我在这里用“角度”这个概念,其本意是 In one article entitled “The Connotation of the Objects of Political Economy and the Connotation of the Production Relationship” (Journal of Huazhong Normal University, No. 4, 1980), the author analyzes the relations of production from three perspectives and three categories (hereinafter referred to as “two Heavy third ”), and draw up a schematic diagram of the relationship between the connotation of production relations and ownership. The immediate purpose of doing so at that time was to elaborate on the ownership of the means of production as being included in the relations of production - such an assertion as to the general significance of the “two-trichotomy,” without having had time to elaborate. This article would like to make the following two questions in this sense. The first question: The “two-part and one-third” approach regards the relations of production from the third perspective and includes the scope of the relations of enterprise (here, for the time being, it is collectively referred to as production management and economic management). In doing so, it will not help to understand the objective nature of business management and the complex economic relations it reflects. In the published works of economics, from the first and second perspectives, that is, the relations of production in both general and narrow terms are relatively common, and there is no author’s new creation here. (Here I use the concept of “angle”, the original meaning is
【正】 “赋”、“比”、“兴”是汉人从《诗经》中总结出来的诗歌的三种艺术表现方法,和《诗经》中的“风”、“雅”、“颂”相配,称之为“六义”。赋、比、兴的概念成于汉
【正】 一、声韵声、韻这两种语音现象是通过分析单词的语音结构认识到的。在汉语里,一个字标记着一个音节,而一个音节就是单词的语音结构。因此,讲声韻首先是讲一讲字的音节
【正】 经济体制的改革有力地促进了教育体制的改革。目前,高等教育改革,从宏观领域看,动摇了传统的教育观念。属于计划体制的招生制度、毕业分配制度,力求统一与灵活性相结
【正】 在当今中国的文坛上,黄宗英、柯岩是两位引人瞩目的报告文学女作家。近几年来,她们各自在报告文学这块艺术园地里含辛茹苦地耕耘着,用富于创造性的表现手法创作了一批
【正】 从语义对此的角度看,俄、汉成语可分为对应成语和非对应成语两类。所谓俄、汉对应成语,是指基本语义一致的俄、汉成语,如饱经风霜、赴汤蹈火、土崩瓦解、心如刀割等。