Guangzhou, Ningbo departure stop stop Guangzhou South, D935 times, 22:07 departure, 7:18 the next morning to Guangzhou South, the benchmark fares are soft 770 yuan, second-tier seat 435.5 yuan. ★ attractions: Guangzhou Hengda home, the new eight Yangcheng, Flower Expo Park, etc. ★ Food: white chicken, rice noodles, shrimp dumplings, etc. 2. [Nanyue] Finished the Yangtze River Delta, let us have a taste of the Southern Guangdong style. At present, Ningbo has opened up to Guangzhou, Shenzhen evening hair high-speed rail lying down, that is, sleepers with high-speed rail, divided into four and two people between two private rooms, and send a dinner, take the fare ladder program, The sooner you buy the cheaper, weekends than usual, which became the Spring Festival this year, Ningbo Railway travel a highlight.