Saving and Utilizing on Water Resources from Steel Making

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In this essay, the author gives some presentation of the water saving practices in Baosteel for years. Relying on water saving research program and by means of water utilization analysis, water consumption distribution balance test water from every sequence of production activities, Baosteel promotes the waste saving projects including waster water comprehensive utilization and water loss reduction. At the same time, the water utilization technology analysis work and management work have considerably strengthened and operation of saving on fresh water sources and waster water utilization has been put into practice with the purpose to decrease water loss per ton of steel making, while the quality of water is placed under guarantee, a number of new records of water consumption ratio comes into being constantly. In this essay, the author gives some presentation of the water saving practices in Baosteel for years. Relying on water saving research program and by means of water utilization analysis, water consumption distribution balance test water from every sequence of production activities, Baosteel promotes the waste At the same time, the water utilization technology analysis work and management work have enhanced strengthened and operation of saving on fresh water sources and waster water utilization has been put into practice with the purpose to decrease water loss per ton of steel making, while the quality of water is placed under guarantee, a number of new records of water consumption ratio comes into being constantly.
项目地址美国佛罗里达建筑面积披萨/就餐区:159m~2;酒吧区:126m~2;中庭:151m~2竣工日期2012.1设计单位Grizform Design Architects巴巴特拉餐厅是由设计公司GrizForm和大厨Fa
日本宇宙开发事业团最近决定接受 H- 2火箭连续两次发射失败的教训 ,进一步增加对 H- 2 A火箭主发动机L E- 7A的试验。该发动机在 2 0 0 0年 7月 5日的一次试验中 ,因液氢泵
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