Effect of coal slurry on the corrosion of coal-mine equipment

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ugnc6
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The corrosion of coal mine equipment immersed in coal slurry is addressed. The corrosion of low carbon steel samples immersed in coal slurries of different concentrations (80, 130, and 180 g/L) prepared from coals of different rank (long-flame coal, meager lean coal, and anthracite) and different granularity (0.25-0.5 mm, 0.074-0.25 mm, and less than 0.074 mm particle size) was studied by the electrochemical method of polarization curve measurement, controlled potential sweeping, and continuous scanning. The results show that the corrosion rate in an anthracite slurry, where the coal has high coalification, is far greater than corrosion in a long-flame or a meager lean coal slurry. Furthermore the corrosion current, polarization current, and corrosion rate of low carbon steel become larger, and the polarizability becomes smaller, as the coal particle size decreases. The same trend is seen as the concentration of the coal slurry increases. The corrosion of coal mine equipment immersed in coal slurry is addressed. The corrosion of low carbon steel samples immersed in coal slurries of different concentrations (80, 130, and 180 g / L) prepared from coals of different rank (long-flame coal, meager lean coal, and anthracite) and different granularity (0.25-0.5 mm, 0.074-0.25 mm, and less than 0.074 mm particle size) was studied by the electrochemical method of polarization curve measurement, controlled potential sweeping, and continuous scanning. The results show that the corrosion rate in an anthracite slurry, where the coal has high coalification, is far greater than corrosion in a long-flame or a meager lean coal slurry. larger, and the polarizability becomes smaller, as the coal particle size decreases. The same trend is seen as the concentration of the coal slurry increases.
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