Case 1, the right lower quadrant pain and a half months of continuous urination increased when admitted to hospital on October 15, 1991. Physical examination: the lower abdomen without touching the mass Rectal 指 诊: Prostate 3 × 4cm, touching the right upper cystic mass, the wall smooth, The tenderness is obvious, the upper bound can not touch .Normal abnormal urine .B super: Prostate cyst .Vaginal urography: Right kidney, ureter undeveloped, left normal. Side normal CT results; right kidney absent, right lower urinary bladder occupancy .Spitopeography showed right pelvic seminal vesicle filling enlarged left normal .Preoperative diagnosis: the right seminal vesicle cyst, right kidney absent in the epidural. Under anesthesia surgery, see the right seminal vesicle during surgery 8 × 7 × 3cm, filled with brown liquid, about 80ml, wall brittle, connected with the vas deferens thickening, adhesions with the bladder prostate, cyst excision and exploration of the bladder, Right ureterocele, such as ureteral cristae poorly developed. Pathology results: seminal vesicles, no sperm.