Light-Weight Design of CRH Wind Deflector Panels based on Woven Textile Sandwich Composites

来源 :Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lrg1169
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The woven textile sandwich composite(WTSC) is a promising lightweight composite.In bending,two competing core shearing failure modes reduce the strength;deflection induced by the core shearing deformation reduces the flexural rigidity.To replace a solid composite laminate,the span of WTSC panel must be greater than a critical value,which was deduced on the condition that the load capacity and flexural rigidity of the WTSC panel are equal to those of the composite laminate.Three WTSC panels were tested in bending,so that the failure modes were observed,and the critical spans were determined.Using the alternative design method,the WTSC based wind deflector with reduced weight has been fabricated and mounted on the CRH(China Railway High-speed). The woven textile sandwich composite (WTSC) is a promising lightweight composite. In bending, two competing core shearing failure modes reduce the strength; deflection induced by the core shearing deformation reduces the flexural rigidity. To replace a solid composite laminate, the span of WTSC panel must be greater than a critical value, which was deduced on the condition that the load capacity and flexural rigidity of the WTSC panel are equal to those of the composite laminate. Three WTSC panels were tested in bending, so that the failure modes were observed , and the critical spans were determined. Using the alternative design method, the WTSC based wind deflector with reduced weight has been fabricated and mounted on the CRH (China Railway High-speed).
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人物印象  不轻易下结论,善于用各种科学实验来验证自己的观点。既有科研人员的严谨理性,而当“妈妈”的身份展现出来时,又可以在这份理性之外,明显感受到她感性的那部分。她是一位心理学工作者,一位也会有困惑的妈妈,一位运用了这两种身份提出“6种儿童需要的心理能力”的人。这是一个阳光明媚的午后,我见到了陈鲁女士,采访了她,听她讲述“养育是一道探索题”。  受访专家 陈鲁  纽约大学认知与发展心理学博士。