解放以后,计划经济的禁锢咒越念越紧,终使社会主义经济发展走进了死胡同,加之人祸所致,国民经济滑向了崩溃的边缘。粉碎“四人帮”后,新的历史时期的曙光在朦胧中渐渐呈现。 “民以食为天”,吃饭是天下最大的事情。出了皇帝朱元璋的安徽省凤阳县的农民们对此有切肤之痛。好光景没过上几年,讨饭、外流的却越来越多。1978年又是一
After the liberation, the narrower incantation and curse of the planned economy more and more tightly, finally led the socialist economic development to a dead end. Coupled with man-made disasters, the national economy slipped to the brink of collapse. After the smashing of the “Gang of Four,” the dawn of the new historical period has gradually become obscure. “Food is the world,” eating is the biggest thing in the world. Peasants from Fengyang County, emperor of the emperor Zhuangzhang County, had a painful affair. The good times did not pass a few years, begging, outflows are more and more. 1978 is one again