
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fang19902009
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一、关于全军卫生工作改革党的十一届三中全会以来,在军委和总部首长的关怀、领导下,我军卫生工作有了较大的发展。特别是近几年,全军卫生战线努力适应军队建设指导思想的战略性转变,坚持改革、开放、搞活,面貌发生了新的变化。全军各类医院和大部分师、旅、团卫生单位,已经对社会开放,在确保部队伤病员收治的前提下,积极挖掘潜力,收治地方病人。军队医学院校和科研机构,普遍开展了委托研究、技术服务、委托培训等工作。这样做,支援了国家建设,方便了人民群众,增加了军队医务人员的实践机会,有利于提高我军医学科技水平,有利于更好地为部队服务,有利于军队卫生单位的自我发展,增 I. About the PLA’s Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the Health Reform Working Party Under the care and leadership of the Central Military Commission and the head of the headquarters, great progress has been made in our health work. In recent years, in particular, the PLA’s military warfare has tried its best to adapt to the strategic transformation of the guiding ideology of army building and has insisted on reform, opening up and invigoration, with new changes in its appearance. All military hospitals and most of the division, brigade and regiment health units have been open to the community and, under the premise of ensuring that the troops and sickness personnel are treated, actively tap the potentials for the treatment of local patients. Military medical universities and research institutes, carried out the commissioned research, technical services, commissioned by the training and so on. In doing so, it has supported the construction of the state and facilitated the people, increased the practice opportunities for military medical personnel, improved the level of medical science and technology in our army, and better served the army in an effort to promote the self-development of the military health units.
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