
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjq888
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完善工资结构,是工资改革的一项重要内容。在讨论军队工资制度改革时,人们对新的工资结构的设想不完全相同。大体有“五结构”(职务、衔级、军龄、基础、服役)、“四结构”(职务、衔级、军龄、基础)和“三结构”(职务、衔级、服役)三种意见。笔者认为,我军新的工资结构如何设置才算比较合理,必须在总结我军历次工资改革经验的基础上,从工资结构的内在联系上,也就是从构成工资总体结构的各部分工资的功能上入手进行分析,才能使研究深入一步,得出较为科学的结论。一、我军现行工资结构的缺陷 1980年以来,我军工资制度经过三次结构性改革,总的看,较单一级别工资制有了较大的改进,但是仍存在着不少缺陷。一是待遇过分地集中于职务(职务工资和按职务等级 Improving wage structure is an important part of wage reform. When discussing the reform of the military wage system, people’s ideas about the new wage structure are not exactly the same. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of opinions on “five structures” (positions, rank, military age, foundation and service), “four structures” (positions, rank, army age, foundation) and “three structures” (positions, rank and service). The author believes that how to set up a new wage structure for our army is reasonable. On the basis of summing up the experiences of previous military wage reforms, from the intrinsic linkages of the wage structure, that is, from the functions of the wage components that form the overall wage structure, Starting from the analysis, in order to make the study one step further, come to a more scientific conclusion. First, the shortcomings of the current wage structure of our military After 1980, the military wage system has undergone three structural reforms. Overall, the wage system has been greatly improved over the single-level wage system. However, there are still many shortcomings. First, treatment is overly concentrated in the job (job salary and rank by job title
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图中大正方形由九个小方格组成,现要取一个面积为大正方形的九分之二,使取出的正方形中和剩下的部分都有2016字样,该如何取? The large square in the figure is made up of
杂志里的怨气  有人羡慕她的经历,半城君笑笑说,你也可以短期尝试啊。也有人羡慕她冲破桎梏的勇气,她摊摊手,我这白羊座的脾气,别人拦不住。  26岁那年,半城决定辞了北京的工作,避世隐居。  “就觉得心里已经满了,再不离开就要死了。”那时,她是某知名时尚杂志社的编辑。  在很多人看来,时尚编辑是潮流圈里的宠儿,永远了解最新的时尚风向,随时有机会接触明星,那些半真半假的娱乐新闻就是他们的身边事。  半