Mixing Characteristics of Pulsed Air-assist Liquid Jet into an Internal Subsonic Cross-flow

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guo20
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Penetration depth,spray dispersion angle,droplet sizes in breakup processes and atomization processes are very important parameters in combustor of air-breathing engine.These processes will enhance air/fuel mixing inside the combustor.Experimental results from the pulsed air-assist liquid jet injected into a cross-flow are investigated.And experiments were conducted to a range of cross-flow velocities from 42~136 m/s.Air is injected with 0~300kPa,with air-assist pulsation frequency of 0~20Hz.Pulsation frequency was modulated by solenoid valve.Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer(PDPA) was utilized to quantitatively measuring droplet characteristics.High-speed CCD camera was used to obtain injected spray structure.Pulsed air-assist liquid jet will offer rapid mixing and good liquid jet penetration.Air-assist makes a very fine droplet which generated mist-like spray.Pulsed air-assist liquid jet will introduce additional supplementary turbulent mixing and control of penetration depth into a cross-flow field.The results show that pulsation frequency has an effect on penetration,transverse velocities and droplet sizes.The experimental data generated in these studies are used for a development of active control strategies to optimize the liquid jet penetration in subsonic cross-flow conditions and predict combustion low frequency instability. Penetration depth, spray dispersion angle, droplet sizes in breakup processes and atomization processes are very important parameters in combustor of air-breathing engine. These processes will enhance air / fuel mixing inside the combustor. Experimental results from the pulsed air-assist liquid jet injected a cross-flow were investigated. End experiments were conducted to a range of cross-flow velocities from 42-136 m / s. Air was injected with 0-300 kPa with air-assist pulsation frequency of 0-20 Hz. Pulsation frequency was modulated by solenoid valve. Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer (PDPA) was utilized to quantitatively measure droplet characteristics. High-speed CCD camera was used to obtain injected spray structure. Pulsed air-assist liquid jet will offer rapid mixing and good liquid jet penetration. Air -assist makes a very fine droplet which produces mist-like spray. Pulsed air-assist liquid jet will introduce additional supplementary turbulent mixing and control of penetration depth int oa cross-flow field. The results show that pulsation frequency has an effect on penetration, transverse velocities and droplet sizes. The experimental data generated in these studies are used for a development of active control strategies to optimize the liquid jet penetration in subsonic cross- flow conditions and predict combustion low frequency instability.
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