M1U2What do you want to eat?

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  能熟练掌握并且运用句型有礼貌的询问别人的就餐意愿:Can I help you? What do you want to eat? / What do you want to drink? 能听懂别人的点餐问题并且进行礼貌的回答I want a hamburger,…… please.
  能熟读并且运用单词noodles,milk, rice,hamburger, cola, hot dog, meat, cheese 等词进行句型替换练习。
  能灵活运用句型Can I help you? What do you want to eat/What do you want to drink? I want a hamburger,please.在现实生活中点餐,就餐。
  了解东西方不同的饮食习惯,培养文明礼仪习惯,询问别人想吃什么时一定要有礼貌的运用Can I help you? What do you want to eat? / What do you want to drink? 有礼貌的回答I want …please.
  重点:能熟练掌握并且运用句型有礼貌的询问别人就餐意愿:Can I help you? What do you want to eat? /What do you want to drink? 能听懂别人的点餐问题并且进行回答I want a hamburger,/milk ……please.
  难点: 能灵活运用句型Can I help you? What do you want to eat/What do you want to drink? I want a hamburger,please.在现实生活中点餐,就餐。
  Step 1 Warm-up
  T: Good morning, boys and girls.
  Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhao.
  T: How do you feel today?
  Ss: I feel great!
  T: Wonderful! I feel great too. Let’s play a guessing game together.
  T: Boys and girls, I’ve known you for a long time. I want you to guess my hobbies. Do you know what I like? You can use “Do you like…?”to guess!
  S1:Do you like running.
  T: No, I don’t.
  S2: Do you like drawing?
  T: Maybe.
  Ss:…Do you like singing?
  T: Wow, you are so clever. You do know me so well. Yes, I like singing very much. What about you guys. Do you like singing?
  Ss: Yes, we do.
  T: Excellent! Let’s sing s song together. “What do you want to eat? ”
  2.Sing a song: What do you want to eat? 課件出示,打节拍并跟唱。
  T:I will play the video, and you sing and clap along with it. Ok?
  Ss: OK.
  T: Wow, you sang so beautifully. Boys and girls, Children’s Day is coming very soon. Do you like Children’s Day? You can sing this song on Children’s Day.
  Ss: Hooray!
  Step 2 Presentation
  T: Boys and girls, the Children’s Day is around the corner,KFC is going to have a food party. Do you want to go to the party?
  Ss: Of course, we do.
  T: Well, If you want to go to the party, you have to accomplish three tasks. If you pass the tasks, then you can go to the party and have fun. Now let’s have a look at the tasks.
  Task 1 Let’s play a memory game.
  T: Look at the screen. What can you see?   S1: I can see a lot of food here.
  T: Great!They are traditional Chinese food and western food. So let’s come to task one. You should say the names of the food and stick them to the correct place on the blackboard. If you stick it right, you can get a food poster. 播放課件的几种食物,学生仔细看图片并记忆,学生同时把相应的单词卡和图卡贴在黑板上。
  Ss read the name of the food and stick it on the blackboard.
  T: You did a very good job. Now you’ve passed task one and you know what food is Chinese food and what western food is. Now let’s look at task two.
  Task 2 Ask and answer
  1.T:If you know the name of the food on PPT,please stand up and say the name of the food quickly. If you say it right and quickly, you can get a food poster.
  T: Good job! We have reviewed the names of the food. Now please ask and answer using these words. 训练重点句型What do you want to eat/ What do you want to drink...? I want …, please.
  S1: Can I help you? What do you want to eat? /What do you want to drink?
  S2: I want..., please.
  2.T: Boys and girls, you know how to order for your food. It’s time to pay for your food.
  Ss: OK.
  T: If you want to pay for your food, do you know what you should ask?
  S1: How much is it, please?
  T: That’s right!
  T: How to answer?
  S2: It’s ...Yuan.
  T: Bingo. Now I want to ask two students to ask and answer using the sentences we’ve just learnt.
  Task 3
  T: Nice work. Now you can come to task three. Today, we have some old friends here. Who are they?
  Ss: They are Ling ling and her dad.
  1.Please listen and guess: Where are Ling ling and her dad?
  Ss: They are in a restaurant.
  T: That’s correct! What are they doing in a restaurant? Let’s watch the video.
  2.Please watch the video again and answer four questions:
  1)What does Ling ling’s dad want to eat?
  2)What does Ling ling’s dad want to drink?
  3)What does Ling ling want to drink?
  4)What does Ling ling want to drink?
  T: Now it’s time for you to answer.
  S1:He wants noodles.
  S2:He wants a cola.
  S3:She wants a hamburger.
  S4:She wants milk.
  3.T: You did a very good job, now please read after the video.
  Ss read after the video.
  4.T: Now let’s read the dialogue in groups, boys you are Ling ling’s dad and girls you are Ling ling.
  Ss read the dialogue in groups.
  Step 3 Practice   KFC Food Party
  1.T: Boys and girls, congratulations! You have passed three tasks. Welcome to the KFC food party. What do you want to eat? Please ask for your food using the sentences on the PPT. I’ll give you three minutes to practice. You can use the word bank to help you.播放音乐三分钟,学生分组练习。
  Word Bank
  hot dog
  orange juice hamburger milk
  noodles cola
  rice tea chicken dumplings
  fish tang Yuan
  Can I help you? What do you want to eat? / What do you want to drink?
  -- I want......, please.
  --How much is it?
  --Thank you!
  2.T: Now it’s your show time. T asks several groups to show their act. T prepares aprons and some food models to help students.
  Ss act.
  Step 4 Consolidation
  Little Guide
  T: Since you know so much about food. Now it’s your time to show your favorite traditional Chinese food to Sam and Amy. Introduce your favorite Chinese food to Amy and Sam.向Amy 和Sam介绍你喜欢的中国食物并说明原因。You can use the sentences and words I give you.
  Word Bank
  eat rice
  noodles dumplings
  tang Yuan
  moon cakes
  delicious good Dragon-Boat Festival
  The Lantern Festival The Spring Festival
  I like...
  S1: Hello, Sam and Amy. My favorite Chinese food is ..../ I like … It’s very delicious…What Chinese food do you like?
  Sam: I like…
  Amy: I like…
  Step 5 Summary
  T: Boys and girls, you did a fantastic good job today. When you eat, what should you pay attention to? Now please watch a video about good eating habits.
  T: After watching the video, what can you learn from?
  S1: We should have good eating habits when eating.
  T: Excellent job! When we eat, we should have good eating habits.就餐要有文明禮仪。
  T: Boys and girls, let’s review what we’ve learn t today.
  Ss: Can I help you? What do you want to eat? / What do you want to drink? I want a hamburger,please....
  T: It’s time to say goodbye. Goodbye, boys and girls.
  Ss;Good bye! Miss Zhao!
  Module 1 Unit2What do you want to eat?
  Can I help you?
  What do you want to eat?
  I want to eat….
  What do you want to drink?
  I want to drink….
  A Make a food poster.(必做)
  B Make a survey on the difference between western and Chinese eating habits. 通过上网等多种形式了解中西方饮食文化的差异。(选做)
习题讲解是物理课堂教学中必不可少的重要一环,其目的是提高学生运用物理知识解决问题和分析问题的能力,培养学生的逻辑思维能力。因此习题的设计非常重要,习题设计的好坏不仅直接影响学生学习物理的积极性,而且影响学生创新思维的发展和能力的提高。在教学中我通过习题讲解的教学优化,从多角度,多方位,多层次地训练来提高学生解题能力,激发学生的创新思维。  一、合理设计习题  为了发挥习题讲解在物理教学中的作用,怎
教学目标:  1.欣赏并认同中华各民族独特的生活方式,感知民族文化的差异,初步具有尊重他人的民族风俗习惯的意识。  2.在观察、分析整理资料、质疑释疑的过程中,学习运用综合信息探究一些民族独特的饮食文化与当地的环境、宗教信仰、风俗习惯等之间联系的方法。  3.知道民族饮食文化是中华文化的一部分,对一些民族独特的饮食文化形成初步的解释,感悟中华民族的聪明智慧。  教学重点:通过交流与讨论、体验与欣赏
小学低年级学生生性好动,活泼开朗,有很强的好奇心,对新鲜事物有浓厚的兴趣,但是兴趣难以持久在长期的语文教学中,我非常注重活与静的结合,带领学生去寻找各种方法,特别注重将“活”作为激发学生参与性和积极性的重要途径。下面就是我在教学中运用引探教学引导学生在语文课堂的一些做法。  一、找一找,比一比  语文作为一门基础语言学科,有着交际性和实践性的特点,它和我们的生活息息相关。如语文第五册第一单元,有4
数学源于生活,又服务于生活。现实世界是数学的丰富源泉,也是数学应用的归宿。如何让小学数学应用题教学生活化,应该从如下几个方面着手。  一、应用题选材方面:  1.内容要来源于农村学生的生活  数学教学要使学生获得必须的基本数学知识和技能,为学生终身可持续发展打好基础,必须开好小教室,把社会生活中的鲜活题材引入学习数学的大课堂。然而传统的应用题常常人为地编造情景;有的应用题题材老化,数据过时,离学生
小学美术教育是小学基础课程之一,是基础教育的重要组成部分,是培养全面发展的,建设具有中国特色社会主义的跨世纪人才以及建设物资文明和精神文明不可缺少的学科,在教学中,教师如何培养学生的能力,我认为应抓好以下几点。  一、应该培养学生的审美能力  美在我们生活中真实存在着,美是我们生活中合乎规律的,与其内容和谐统一的,丰富独特的又令人愉悦的具体形象。人们认识美、发现美就必须有鉴赏能力和发现美的能力。而
音乐是一种听觉艺术,一直都被人们喜爱。在我们的生活中音乐无时无刻都在伴随我们,随着音乐的响起很自然的头会跟着点起来,四肢跟着舞动起来,嘴巴跟着哼唱起,特别是小孩子,这些特征非常明显……音乐能带动人的情绪,可以通过音乐来表达自己的心声,音乐是没有国界的,无论你是哪个民族,不论你来自哪个国家,只要有音乐的伴随,相互之间就能达到共鸣。  夸美纽斯认为:“兴趣是创造欢乐和光明的教育环境的主要途径。”音乐的
在小语文教学过程中,我经常发现学生们谈“作”色变,视作文为烦事、苦事。把作文寄希望于教师的“指导”、课外作文选的参考和自己的凭空想象,东拼西凑,乱写一通,写出来的文章既不表“情”,又不“达”意,严重影响了学生作文能力的提高,阻碍了学生思维的发展。那么如何改变作文教学的现状,让学生乐写作文呢?我将从以下四方面谈谈我的一些做法。  一、激发学生的写作兴趣  1.开展丰富多样的交流活动  我经常在班级开
一、低年级语文教师写作教学现状  小学低年级学段的孩子具有记忆力强、活泼好动、贪玩、学习接受力强的特点,因此这一学段是口头语言与书面语言相互衔接转换的最佳时机。与此同时,这个阶段的儿童,其大脑发展过程中最为突出的部分就是口头表达,结合脑细胞的网络式的发展趋势,其相近区域也有着其独特的发展优势。这小学低年级阶段学生,由于刚入学,这与他们在幼儿园时期的教学语言、环境、老师同学以及课业学习要求差距很多,
伟大的乔布斯在去世前曾对不久的未来做出三大预言,其中一个预言就是电子科技将掌控未来教室,并在教育信息化领域取得丰厚的利润。在他去世后两年多的今天,在线教育、翻转课堂、微课、Moocs、电子书包等各种新鲜名词,成为教育界、IT界、出版界、金融界热议的话题。如今,一种媒体呈现多种信息,广泛的应用于各学科的课堂中。信息技术与学科教学深度融合已然形成趋势。  由此可见,信息技术对当今的教育理念的冲击是巨大
苏霍姆林斯斯基认为:“把真理转化为有血有肉的具体行为和行动的过程,在很大程度上取决于情感教育和善良情感的形成,而以情感育人是音乐学科育人的一大优势。”  音乐,是人类的第二语言,是人类最亲密的朋友,美的音乐不但能愉悦身心,而且能使孩子心灵得到净化,使其行为变得高尚。音乐是积聚灵感、催发情感、激活想象的艺术。音乐可以与生活沟通起来,营造广阔的音乐空间,音乐本来就是从生活中创造出来的。所以音乐在幼儿园