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这几天出版界好热闹,热闹的原因并不是出版什么引起轰动的作品,而是金庸的武侠小说《天龙八部》第四十一回,出现在了《高中语文读本》里。刚刚开学没几天的高二学生在《读本》中看到此文,顿时引起了包括教师、家长、社会人士的议论纷纷,媒体连篇累牍发表有关文章展开讨论。与金庸大师作品一同进入《读本》的还有王度庐的《卧虎藏龙》片段,这两者合成一个单元——“神奇武侠”。 “但听得蹄声如雷,十余乘马疾风般卷上山来。马上乘客一色都是玄色薄毡大氅,里面玄色布衣,但见入似虎,马如龙,人既矫捷,马亦雄骏……”高中生们的眼球这下可以大享其福了!过去偷着看的作品,如今堂而皇之地出现在课堂上,这对那些武侠迷来说,真是一件大快人心之事! The past few days the publishing industry so bustling and bustling is not to publish any sensational works. Instead, it is the 41st edition of Jin Yong’s martial arts novel Tian Long Ba Bu that appeared in the High School Chinese Reader. A few days after graduating from high school, I saw this article in “Reader’s Book”, which caused a lot of controversy including teachers, parents and the public. The media published articles to discuss them. And works with master Jin Yong into the “Reader” and Wang Dulu’s “Crouching Tiger” section, which combines a unit - “magic martial arts.” “However, heard the sound of thunder, more than a dozen horse-like wind volume up the mountain .According to the passengers are a single color blanket big banyan, inside the black color commoner, but see the tiger, horse Rulong, people are agile, ...... ”The high school students’ eyeballs can enjoy their blessings here! The works stealing and looking in the past are now openly presented in the classroom. This is a great pleasure for those martial arts fans!
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本文全面分析了E -mail安全问题 ,并提出了应该采用的有效方法 ,以保护E -mail系统能安全运行。 This paper analyzes the E -mail security issues in an all-round way an
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