我们对我院近三年来收集的泌尿系感染性疾病标本中分离出的细菌及其耐药性进行了对比分析,旨在了解本地区泌尿系感染性疾病的常见病原菌及其耐药性。1 材料与方法11 菌株来源 来自199601~199812间在我院住院或门诊收治的502例泌尿系感染病人的6?
We compared the bacterial and drug resistance of urinary tract infections collected in the past three years in our hospital with a view to understanding the common pathogens and drug resistance of urinary tract infections in this area. 1 Materials and Methods 1 1 strains derived from 1996 01 ~ 1998 12 in our hospital or outpatient admitted 502 cases of urinary tract infection in patients with 6?