2003年6-7月,在新疆麦盖提县央塔克乡中学发生了一起学生伤寒暴发流行,发病23例,无一例死亡。经调查分析,暴发原因可能是该校门口销售凉粉的摊主引起的。 麦盖提县是新疆喀什地区的主要伤寒发病地区之一。本次伤寒暴发流行起止时间为16 d,病人发病时间均在伤寒平均潜伏期(3-42 d,平均14d)内,疫情以央塔克乡中学局部地区暴发为主,央塔克乡中学伤寒罹患率为3.05‰,多数班级
In June-July 2003, an outbreak of typhoid fever was reported in the middle school of the town of Yantai, in the county of Maiteti, Xinjiang. Twenty-three of these cases were reported and none died. After investigation and analysis, the cause of the outbreak may be caused by the stall owner selling jelly at the school gate. Maiji County is one of the major typhoid fever areas in Kashgar region of Xinjiang. The beginning and ending time of this outbreak of typhoid fever was 16 days, and the onset time of patients was within the mean incubation period of typhoid fever (3-42 days, an average of 14 days). Outbreaks of typhoid fever mainly occurred in some areas of middle schools in central Tachai Township. Rate of 3.05 ‰, most classes