光绪三十三年 ( 190 7年 )正月 孙中山率胡汉民、汪精卫、黄兴在河内成立粤、桂、滇 3省武装起义总机关。两广会党首领王和顺、黄明堂、关仁甫、梁少廷、李福林等加入同盟会。二月初四日 南宁海关正式成立 ,开关通商。税务司是德国人斯泰老 ,海关监督为关道丁乃扬。是月 廉
Thirty-three years Guangxu (1907) The first month Sun Yat-sen rate Hu Hanmin, Wang Jingwei and Huang Xing established in Hanoi, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan provinces armed uprising headquarters. Wang Heshun, Huang Mingtang, Guan Renfu, Liang Shaoting and Li Fulin, leaders of the two Canton Party committees, joined the league. Nanning Customs was formally established on the fourth day of February on the fourth, opening and closing trade. The tax department is the German Steyr, the customs supervision for the road Dobutai Yang. It is cheap