Lenneit氏淋巴瘤为一罕见的T细胞性淋巴瘤,比较少见。我科遇到1例,现报告如下: 临床资料患者男性,31岁。因全身多处肿块,生长迅速于1992年来我院就诊。患者1年前无意中发现右颈部出现肿块,1月后颈前颏下、双侧腋窝以及双侧腹股沟部等多处相继出现肿块。体检:一般情况良好。右颈部、锁骨上部、颏下部、双侧腋窝部以及双侧腹股沟部均可扪及肿物多个,黄豆、蚕豆至鸽蛋大,部分肿块粘
Lenneit’s lymphoma is a rare T-cell lymphoma that is rare. Our department encountered 1 case and the report is as follows: Clinical data Patient Male, 31 years old. Due to multiple lumps in the body, it quickly grew up in our hospital in 1992. The patient had inadvertently discovered a lump in the right neck 1 year earlier. In January, multiple masses appeared successively in the anterior cervical iliac crest, bilateral axillary fossa, and bilateral inguinal regions. Physical examination: Generally good. The right neck, upper clavicle, infraorbital, bilateral axillary and bilateral groin can be accompanied by multiple tumors, soy beans, broad beans to pigeon eggs, some of the lump stick