翻译似乎是一件知其不能译而译之的苦差事,然而有人出自对别国文化的钟情,且独乐乐不如众乐乐,有人出自对某些作家的爱惜之心,不愿斯人独憔悴,也有人自认有自虐倾向,偏向虎山行……在咀嚼文字的过程中,尝到的甜酸苦辣往往最能反映不同语言所承载的文化差异,我们请来几位翻译大家,举出亲身经验和实例,让读者感受翻译工作的迷人之处。村上春树的中英文译者赖明珠和Jay Rubin,和我们畅谈如何在同一口井里摸索作者的潜意识;汉学家马悦然(Goran Malmqvist)谈为了对得起作者和读者,他如何为瑞典文想象出最脏的脏话;诗人兼翻译家余光中,谈究竟是否唯诗人才可译诗。
Translation seems to be a drudgery that can not be translated and translated. However, some people are out of love for other cultures, and they are more happy than others. Some are out of love for some writers, In the process of chewing the text, the sweet and sour tastes most often reflect the cultural differences in different languages. We invite a few translators, Give personal experience and examples, so that readers feel the charm of translation work. Haruki Murakami's Chinese and English translators Lai Pearl and Jay Rubin talk with us about how to explore the author's subconscious in the same well; the sinologist Goran Malmqvist talks about how he imagines Swedish for the author and the reader Dirty dirty words; poet and translator Yu Guangzhong talk about whether the poet can translate poetry.