以人力资源价值链再造为核心 激发企业内生动力 开启人力资源管理新模式

来源 :中国有色金属 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyan76669956
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面对国内有色金属市场持续低迷的市场环境,铜业公司作为中国有色冶炼行业的优秀企业,亟需改革创新并于2013年开启了以价值链为核心的三大流程再造,即管理流程再造、技术流程再造和操作流程再造,为保证三大流程再造同时又确立了“三主三辅”价值链,即生产运行、设备能源、工艺技术、财务核算、监督稽查、人力资源价值链。并将人力资源管理价值链这一理念引入企业人力资源深化改革工作当中展开分析,在具体实践中,充分应用了这一链条的带动效应,规范了内部管理,激发了企业活力,调动了员工的积极性,推动了铜冶炼企业深化改革、流程再造的顺利实施。并用一些量化的数据为企业价值链理论引入到新管理模式中的可行性进行研究,理顺生产经营思路,有效开展业务流程,为铜冶炼企业产品在全国有色金属市场提高竞争力和盈利能力提供理论依据和辅助,从而使得企业可以良性、持续地发展。 Faced with the continuous downturn in the domestic non-ferrous metal market, as an outstanding player in China’s non-ferrous metallurgy industry, the copper company urgently needed reform and innovation. In 2013, the copper company opened three major process reengineering centers on the value chain: management process reengineering, Technical process reengineering and operational process reengineering, in order to ensure the reengineering of the three major processes, the value chain of production, operation, equipment and energy, process technology, financial accounting, supervision and auditing, and human resources has also been set up. And introduced the concept of human resource management value chain into the work of deepening the reform of human resources in enterprises. In practice, the driving effect of this chain has been fully applied, the internal management has been standardized, the vitality of enterprises has been stimulated, the staffs’ motivation has been mobilized Enthusiasm, and promote the smelting enterprises to deepen the reform, the smooth implementation of reengineering. And with some quantitative data for the enterprise value chain theory into the new management model of the feasibility study to rationalize the production and management ideas and effectively carry out business processes for the copper smelting products in the national non-ferrous metals market to improve competitiveness and profitability Theoretical basis and auxiliary, so that enterprises can be healthy and sustainable development.
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